Saudi woman makes a stand against feared religious police

“The government has banned you from coming after us,” she told the
men, adding “you are only supposed to provide advice, and nothing more”.

As of Monday, the video was viewed more than 1,142,000 times, with over 12,000
people posting comments online, most of them denouncing the woman’s

One posting said she had “no shame” and accused her of “prostituting”
herself. Another called her a “slut” and a “whore.”

The clip earned only about 1800 “likes”. The number of “dislikes”
reached almost 7000.

In January, Saudi King Abdullah appointed a more moderate head of the
religious police raising hopes that a more lenient force will ease draconian
social constraints in the Islamic country.

Two weeks into his post, Sheikh Abdullatif Abdel Aziz al-Sheikh banned
volunteers from serving in the commission which enforces the kingdom’s
strict Islamic rules.

And in April he went further prohibiting the religious police from “harassing
people” and threatening “decisive measures against violators”.

The woman filmed the incident herself and posted it on YouTube. At one point
during the video, she cautions the religious police that she has already
posted the exchange online.

It is also not clear if the woman was eventually forced to leave the centre.
The religious police prevent women from driving, require them to be covered
from head to foot in black, ban public entertainment, and force all
commerce, from supermarkets to petrol stations, to come to a halt at prayer
times, five times a day.

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