Saudi women urged to defy driving ban

“The key to lifting the ban on women driving in Saudi Arabia is to start with the women themselves … That is why we ask the authorities to protect those women who need to practice that right,” the activists said in a statement on Tuesday.

The campaign had earlier been planned for June 17 but it was postponed to June 29 following the death of Saudi crown prince Nayef.

“If women don’t take action, the authorities will not lift the ban. It is up to women to decide,” said Manal Alsharif, one of the campaign organizers.

Saudi woman want the abolition of the law that prohibits females from driving cars in the Arab country.

Last year, in an unprecedented move, a number of Saudi women drove their cars in public.

Some of the women were detained and even faced charges of “challenging the monarch.”

Saudi authorities refuse to issue driving licenses to women, making it illegal for them to drive.

Saudi Arabia has already been under fire from rights groups for systematic discrimination against women. Women are even banned from voting in Saudi Arabia.

On January 22, Human Rights Watch said in a statement that Saudi authorities “continue to suppress or fail to protect the rights of 9 million Saudi women and girls.”


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