Schoolboy, 5, scarred for life in face mauling attack by Staffordshire bull terrier his neighbours adopted from animal shelter

  • Mother feared her son would die in brutal mauling
  • Boy lost nerves in face and bone broken above mouth
  • Dog put down when police arrived on the scene

Phil Vinter

12:52 EST, 7 June 2012


13:45 EST, 7 June 2012

A terrified youngster suffered horrific facial injuries when the neighbour’s dog he was playing with suddenly turned on him.

Jonathon Harwood, eight, has been left with physical and mental scars for life after the brutal attack by the Staffordshire bull terrier next to his home in Marsden, South Shields.

The boy’s mother Lisa Patterson said she feared her son would be killed but she managed to pull the animal away.


Horrific: Jonathon Harwood suffered terrible injuries when a neighbour's dog that he was playing with turned on him

Horrific: Jonathon Harwood suffered terrible injuries when a neighbour’s dog that he was playing with turned on him

Jonathon’s face was badly bitten near his eye in the attack and he was rushed to hospital for treatment.

Miss Patterson said the dog had belonged to neighbours, who had picked it up four weeks ago from a rescue centre.

The mum-of-three added: ‘It all happened in a split second. One minute we were stroking the dog and the next it pounced on him and pushed him to the ground and went for his face.

‘It’s hard to know exactly what happened, but I knew I needed to get it off.’

Terrifying: A bone above the eight-year-old's mouth was broken, he lost nerves in his face and his mouth was cut from one side to the other

Terrifying: A bone above the eight-year-old’s mouth was broken, he lost nerves in his face and his mouth was cut from one side to the other

She said the recent news story about a
two-year-old in Swindon being left in a coma following a mauling by a
dog flashed through her mind.

‘All I could think of was about that story in the news the other day where a
dog mauled a two-year-old in Swindon and left him in a coma.

‘That could have happened to Jonathon, or even worse,’ she said.

The attack happened on Tuesday lunchtime after Jonathon had been dropped off at home by his dad.

Damage: Jonathon's injuries were operated on that night but doctors said he will be scarred for life

Damage: Jonathon’s injuries were operated on that night but doctors said he will be scarred for life

Miss Patterson, who has recently finished a university degree and is a volunteer for the Witness Service at South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court, says she dialled 999 as soon as she had pulled the dog away.

The 32-year-old said: ‘It was horrible, there was blood everywhere.

‘The cuts were really close to his eye, it was a gruesome scene.

‘It was out of the blue, I really didn’t expect it at all.

‘It goes to show that dogs can be dangerous, it only takes a split second.

‘We thought this one was fine but it changed.’

When the police arrived at the scene, the dog was put down.

Jonathon was taken to South Tyneside District Hospital, but was transferred to Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Hospital for expert treatment.

Potentially dangerous: A Staffordshire Bull Terrier similar to the one shown here was responsible for the attack on the youngster

Potentially dangerous: A Staffordshire Bull Terrier similar to the one shown here was responsible for the attack on the youngster

His injuries were operated on later that night but doctors said he will be
scarred for life.

Miss Patterson said: ‘A bone above his mouth was broken, he has lost nerves in his face and his mouth was cut from one side to the other.

‘He will be scarred forever, not only physically but mentally too.

‘A psychologist is going to see him because he is terrified of coming home, he doesn’t really understand what’s happened.’

A police spokesman said: ‘At 12.05pm on Tuesday police received a report from the ambulance service that an eight-year-old boy had been bitten by a dog.

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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He will get over it. I was attacked by a dog when I was his age. I am now 56, no psycological problems and the scars fade. Too much mollycoddling these days

it is not the animals to blame its the owners

well, thanks very much for stressing the animal was adopted from a shelter. Now even less people will be encouraged to adopt abandoned animals. The humans are the animals.

Oh my God, what will it take to ban these Staffordshire Bull Terrier dogs NOW!
For God sake how many children have to die or be savagely mutilated for life until something effective is done.
Please I beg everyone to write to their MPs to get this breed and anything of its type banned once and for all.

Another one!!!!

Get ready for the red arrows. I hope the boy gets over this, is horrible. Good luck Jonathon, be brave. The problem is BAD OWNERS, my dog is ALWAYS on a lead when for a walk. Jonathon, take courage from your family. I’m sorry as a dog owner this has happened to you.

When will people actually take notice of the countless dog attacks happening?? My daughter was attacked by two Rottweilers in August 2010 so i can totally understand what the parents are going through. There MUST be something done to stop not only irresponsible dog owners but also to prevent anyone from owning a dangerous breed ever again!!!
It is absolutely rediculous just to blame dog owners all the time and say it’s “not the breed” but time and time again we hear of certain breeds brutally mauling children and adults. Sometimes a great owner is just not enough, if a dog wants to attack, it will. The same as people really, someone could have a great family set up and still grow up to be a murderer or serial killer! Is this too hard a concept to grasp!!!!! Ban Rottweilers and Staffys, that’s what i say!!!

No doubt all the dog lovers will jump on this story and leap to this breeds defence but why lately does it seem that its always this particular breed attacking people?
coincidence??? I dont think so!!!!!!

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