Security and Self-Governance

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Ron Paul
July 25, 2012

The senseless and horrific killings last week at a movie theater in Colorado reminded Americans that life is fragile and beautiful, and we should not take family, friends, and loved ones for granted. Our prayers go out to the injured victims and the families of those killed. As a nation we should use this terrible event to come together with the resolve to create a society that better values life.

We should also face the sober reality that government cannot protect us from all possible harm. No matter how many laws we pass, no matter how many police or federal agents we put on the streets, no matter how routinely we monitor internet communications, a determined individual or group can still cause great harm. We as individuals are responsible for our safety and the safety of our families.

Furthermore, it is the role of civil society rather than government to build a culture of responsible, peaceful, productive individuals. Government cannot mandate morality or instill hope in troubled individuals. External controls on our behavior imposed by government through laws, police, and jails usually apply only after a terrible crime has occurred.

Internal self governance, by contrast, is a much more powerful regulator of human behavior than any law. This self-governance must be developed from birth, first by parents but later also through the positive influence of relatives and adult role models. Beyond childhood, character development can occur through religious, civic, and social institutions. Ultimately, self-governance cannot be developed without an underlying foundation of morality.

Government, however, is not a moral actor. The state should protect our rights, but it cannot develop our character. Whenever terrible crimes occur, many Americans understandably demand that government “do something” to prevent similar crimes in the future. But this reflexive impulse almost always leads to bad laws and the loss of liberty.

Do we really want to live in a world of police checkpoints, surveillance cameras, and metal detectors? Do we really believe government can provide total security? Do we want to involuntarily commit every disaffected, disturbed, or alienated person who fantasizes about violence? Or can we accept that liberty is more important than the illusion of state-provided security?

Freedom is not defined by safety. Freedom is defined by the ability of citizens to live without government interference. Government cannot create a world without risks, nor would we really wish to live in such a fictional place. Only a totalitarian society would even claim absolute safety as a worthy ideal, because it would require total state control over its citizens’ lives. Liberty has meaning only if we still believe in it when terrible things happen and a false government security blanket beckons.

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2 Responses to “Security and Self-Governance”

  1. “the patriot act” and plans for a DHS-TSA were ready and waiting before 911.

    before 911, the state of our (sabotaged!) economy and financial fraud was front page news.

    fraud investigations by the SEC housed in WTC-7 never hit by a plane,
    and pending audit of the pentagon for 2.3 trillion dollars “missing”,
    WERE NEVER A THREAT to some “sand ghost bin laden”..
    DC, Wall Street, big banks and corporations, is another story entirely.

    IF “bin laden” were such a “corrupt America hater”, why stop those investigations?
    he’d sat back with a bag of popcorn laughin his azz off watchin en being sent to prison!

    for staging 911, the treasonous economic saboteuring financial terrorists,
    have remained in power, while the PEOPLE remain terrified,
    of being MADE unemployed and homeless by these same criminals,
    who are erecting a prison grid around our ears to protect themselves,
    as they continue to victimize their desperate and clueless victims.

    TSA in the airports cant stop a heatseeker up a planes tailpipe fron 1-2 miles away
    TSA in train stations cant sabotage of the tracks in the middle of nowhere
    TSA aint caught any real terrorists at all but..
    TSA sure CAN be caught being a pack of F’d up gay-nazi-paedo-pervs!!!

    screw off “Ron Paul”.

    you denounced 911 truth and baled out of the 2008 elections.
    a BURN JOB to your biggest supporters.
    this time ya had your son endorse mitt massengill for the same effect!

    you DID NOT add 1+1 to see fraud investigations werent a threat to some “osama”
    and you now pretend to be something NOBLE?!!

    Ron Paul you are just controlled opposition.
    getting people to vote for the PHONY YOU,
    to make a big fat list for the FEMA CAMP ROUNDUPS, gee F’n thanks.

    I cringe when you say “I respect my colleagues”..
    the treasonous economic saboteuring financial terrorists in DC,
    who you have been palling around with for over 30 friggin years.
    passed any bills lately? made any arrests? HELL NO!!
    you aint a champion of ANYTHING.
    you’re a messed up F’n JUDAS GOAT POS!!

  2. I’m responsible for my own life, as it was, as it is, and how it will be. Noone or no thing, especially scum foreigners or f ucking traitors will take that from me. Want my guns, come and f ucking try to take them! Thanks for the training uncle.

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