Seductive packaging fuels more impulse buying than ever as shoppers throw caution – and their shopping lists

Daily Mail Reporter

18:03 EST, 7 June 2012


13:18 EST, 8 June 2012

Despite the costly dangers of impulse shopping, consumers are increasingly making their purchase decisions in-store.

According to the 2012 Shopper Engagement Study, shoppers are basing a whopping 76 per cent of their choices on attractive packaging and appearance.

Results revealed that even those who go shopping with the intention of sticking to a list cannot resist the temptation of good branding.

It's all about the packaging: Shoppers are increasingly looking to branding and in-store marketing as their cues for what to buy

It’s all about the packaging: Shoppers are increasingly looking to branding and in-store marketing as their cues for what to buy (STOCK IMAGE)

The Point of Purchase Advertising
International (POPAI) interviewed 2,400 store visitors before and after
they entered a supermarket and calculated the rate by comparing the
anticipated purchases and the actual items bought.

Richard Winter, president of POPAI told MSNBC: ‘What you find is that people will tell you they plan to do one thing, but their actual behavior will be quite different.’

The findings showed that with such an abundance of choice, from organic to premium to private labels, shoppers look to a brand’s marketing as a cue of what to buy.

If brands are do not take advantage of in-store marketing opportunities, the study found, the shopper will simply buy another product of the same description that is better displayed.

But consumers beware, said Brian Wansink, as buying on such a whim can be costly.

‘If you’re making impulse purchases, it’s likely you will spend more than you planned,’ the director of the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University said.

Another sure way to spend over budget is to pay with plastic instead of cash, claims Gerri Detweiler, a personal finance expert with

‘I think there’s something about having to shell out cold, hard cash that makes you more cautious about how you spend,’ she suggested.

Which is exactly what the survey found as the interviewees who took credit cards to the store were more susceptible to the temptations of the impulse buys they hadn’t planned on putting in their baskets.

No matter how the participants footed the bill at the end, however, 57per cent still spent more than they had originally anticipated. 

You know what to do next time you go shopping then.

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She looks more like she has seen a mouse on the top shelf,

Who are these weak and simple minded people? God help us all.

Shop online with a full stomach and a weeks worth of dinners planned. Saves a fortune!

Not us. We buy mainly the stores own “basic” range. If you read the ingredients they are often, but by no means always, healthier than the branded products. It saves us loads of money. And we have switched supermarkets recently and knocked about 50 pounds off our shopping bill per week on top of that. Where once we were spending 200 pounds a week, now we only spend 150 pounds. That’s 200 pounds a month extra in your pocket. You can get a long way on the basic products with no or little loss of quality providing you check the ingredients. But how often do you see people reading ingredients? Almost never, I’m the one in the aisle having a good read.

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