Sergey Brin talks Project Glass, hopes for 2013 release [video]

Google co-founder Sergey Brin recently sat down with the Lieutenant Governor of California Gavin Newsom for an hour-long interview. Brin, as he has done in the past, wore the company’s Project Glass prototype, and even allowed Newsom to test them out. During the interview it is revealed that the device features a touch-sensitive trackpad that allows users to scroll through content. “Don’t touch the pad on the side,” he warned. When asked about a potential release, Brin states that he has “some hopes to maybe get it out sometime next year,” although he did caution “that’s still a little bit of a hope.” After talking about Project Glass, Brin and his wife, Anne Wojcicki, discussed gene mapping for preventative healthcare, and the co-founder’s role with Google X. The full interview will be available this Friday, June 1st, on Current TV. A video snippet follows below.


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