Seven Britons extradited to US for every one sent here under lopsided act

  • Tory MP Dominic Raab unearths damning figures
  • More Britons extradited in the last six months than US has sent back in five years

James Slack

18:21 EST, 22 June 2012


18:21 EST, 22 June 2012

Fight: Gary McKinnon with his mother

Fight: Gary McKinnon with his mother

Seven times more British citizens have been sent to the US under the lopsided Extradition Act than there have been Americans sent in the opposite direction.

Home Office figures reveal how the treaty at the centre of the case against Asperger’s sufferer Gary McKinnon is being used by the US authorities far more often than their British counterparts.

Since 2004, 99 people have been extradited from the UK to the US. Yet only 44 have been extradited to the UK. When the figures are broken down by nationality, the picture is even more stark.

Some 35 British nationals have been extradited from the UK to the US. But as few as five US citizens have been extradited from the US to the UK.

Britain has extradited more of its nationals to the United States in the past six months – seven – than the United States has sent the other way in the past five years, according to data unearthed by the Tory MP Dominic Raab.

This is despite the fact the population of the US (311million) is five times greater than that of the UK (62million).

The figures will heighten calls for changes to the Act, which was passed by Labour in 2003 and is currently under review by the Home Secretary.

Critics say it is biased against UK nationals. Britain must provide US authorities with ‘such information as would provide a reasonable basis to believe that the person sought committed the offence for which extradition is requested’.

This is known as the ‘probable cause’ test and means US citizens have the right to a court hearing to examine the evidence against them. However, if the US wants to extradite a UK citizen, the authorities need only to outline the alleged offence, the punishment specified by statute and provide an accurate description of the suspect.

Tory MP Dominic Raab unearthed the alarming figures

Tory MP Dominic Raab unearthed the alarming figures

The most high-profile victim of the Act is Mr McKinnon,  who faces being hauled to the US for crimes committed from his North London bedroom.
He hacked into NASA and Pentagon computers while looking for evidence of ‘little green men’ Medical experts say he is likely to take his own life if extradited.

As well as his, there have been a string of other controversial extradition cases.

They include Chris Tappin, a retired golf club president from Kent who was extradited to the US in February over allegations of arms dealing.

Student Richard O’Dwyer, of Chesterfield, is also fighting extradition on copyright infringement charges over a website he ran from the UK.

Last night Mr Raab, who has campaigned for changes to the extradition rules, said: ‘In 2012, we are surrendering our citizens to the US at the fastest rate since the new treaty came into effect, despite woefully inadequate safeguards.

Overall, we have extradited seven UK nationals for every American extradited to Britain. If we don’t reform our blunt extradition regime, we will see more appalling cases.’

Campaigners are also demanding changes to the controversial European Arrest Warrant (EAW), which allows people to be sent to other EU countries over even minor charges.

As with the Extradition Act, the country demanding a British or EU citizen does not have to make a substantial case against them.

The number of EAWs issued to the UK has risen from 1,865 in 2004 to 5,832 in the year ending March 2012. Britain is extraditing 11 times more people than are being sent to the UK by our EU neighbours. The number of British citizens surrendered under an EAW has risen from five in 2004 to 32 in 2011/12.

Mr Raab said: ‘Britain now extradites six times more of our nationals under the European Arrest Warrant than the US treaty. Too many face corrupt police, incompetent courts and appalling prison conditions.

‘The case for reform or withdrawal from this flawed measure is overwhelming.’

A Home Office spokesman said: ‘We have effective, fair and balanced extradition arrangements with the US and other international partners.

‘People who have committed serious offences such as murder, rape, other sex crimes and fraud, have been successfully extradited to the UK and convicted.’

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What do you expect??? This is not some game of cricket. The self interest of the US has always, will always take precedence over that of any other country. It is the source of their great power and influence.

Could that have something to do with all the people of highly suspect character from around the world we have let in? If it is people like abu hamza then people don’t care but how many are like Gary McKinnon?

Ok lets look at it another way how many refusals have we had from the U.S ??? also i think the U.S are being very patient over our reluctance to send McKinnon and i hope that the delay in sending him is reflected in his sentence when they do finally get hold of him. If i was American i would be thinking about taking matters into my own hands and just snatching him.

Maybe we just have more law breakers?

You must have alot of criminals in the UK compared to the US. Thats all. Besides we know how to deal with thses types better than your puny courts. We love peace and freedom.

Or you could just say US law protects its citizens better the British law and the treaty was NEGOTIATED taking the differences into account.

Any agreement with the U.S. will be loaded or dealt with in their favour. You see, they own the world!

The exact same conditions and proof should exist both ways otherwise this so called treaty is blatantly unfair and those responsible for it’s continued existence should be dismissed from their jobs without delay.

If you want the number of extraditions from the US, ask for more. The US hasn’t turned down a single request, unlike our partners in this “uneven” treaty. Funny how you’re the only one failing to live up to your obligations, and you’re the one complaining about it being uneven. Should the US start refusing extraditions to even things up?

Perhaps the Americans are interested in Justice. Blair and his wife are responsible for the present situation regarding extradition and deportation. At least the Americans pursue criminals, when the so called UK government just sit, winge and wring their hankies.

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