Severe floods continue to batter Britain

The British Environment Agency warned that lives are in danger in areas close to the River Axe in Devon county in southwestern England.

The southwest of England is subject to the severe warnings being the most serious of their kind, as forecasters predicted around 100mm of rain would fall across some parts of the country in just 24 hours.

A man in his 20s died in Northumberland today on June 7, when his car was forced off a road during heavy rainfall.

Around 136 flood alerts and 63 flood warnings remain in England and Wales, while 10 flood warnings have been issued in Scotland.

According to the Environment Agency’s severe flood warning, immediate action is required as it predicts a life threatening situation.

Environment Agency river gauges have recorded record levels at numerous locations including the River Otter at Ottery St Mary and River Bride at Burton Bradstock.

Craig Woolhouse of the Environment Agency said, “We would urge people to remain on alert for flooding, especially in Devon, Cornwall and Somerset.”

The agency confirmed that a month’s worth of rain fell on the Yealmpton area in the South West in just over 12 hours, while Dunkeswell in Devon recorded 56.6mm of rain over 24 hours.


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