Shenzhen’s Resident Population Falls for First Time Since City’s Founding in 1979

China’s tech hub Shenzhen saw its population drop by 19,800, which was the first population drop since the city was established in 1979.
An economist believes that the population decline can be attributed to the harsh zero-COVID policy, China’s decoupling from the United States, and the relocation of the industrial chain, which have led to the closure of many companies, layoffs, and a rise in the unemployed population.
According to the 2022 Economic and Social Development Statistical Bulletin released by the Shenzhen Bureau of Statistics on May 8, the city’s resident population increased by 270,800 and its migrant population decreased by 290,600 in 2022 compared to 2021, resulting in a net decrease of 19,800 in the combined population…. Source

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