Should the world fear Russia and China? The view from NY

Should the world fear Russia and China? The view from NY

Published: 18 February, 2012, 10:59

Workers remove a star as they dismantle a Christmas tree in a square in Russia’s southern city of Stavropol (REUTERS/Eduard Korniyenko)

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The Resident,
Mass media,

Russia and China angered a large section of the international community when they jointly vetoed a UN Security Council resolution condemning President Assad’s regime in Syria.

­It’s just the most recent example of the two standing largely on their own in the international arena.

RT’s Lori Harfenist, known as The Resident has been asking people whether the two countries should be feared and if so why.

Schoolchildren study during a morning class in a primary classroom at la Providence school in Vincennes, near Paris (REUTERS/Charles Platiau)
Today: 10:42


Pushing EU values: Education or propaganda?

A network of special “European schools” was set up to teach about the benefits of the community from a very young age. The model is now being pushed into national curricula; and critics are labelling it propaganda under multicultural veil.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's listening to an expert during a tour of Tehran's research reactor centre on February 15, 2012 (AFP Photo / Iranian Presidency)
Today: 11:58


On one hand the world got absolutely NOTHING to fear from Russia and China thus both, with their enormous patience, proved are aiming peaceful economic development with the rest of the world… therefore the world should rather accept them as the new rightful leaders of the world in 21st century. But on the other hand I would support the statement of “Tamar” – the world of the west, which is no bigger than 1/3 world’s population, should fear and have every natural reason to fear them thus challenge their imperial arrogant demands.

Large section of the international community? Most people from countries that bombed Libya into chaos were against it. So what does this “international community” means exactly?

Frankly, reading some RT articles, I got the impression they are just as zionist controlled as the whole bunch of western medias!?

America of Russia moves towars the US of the Zionist infested Russia and also slithering a noose around the necks of helpless africans and Latin Americans. Why is Russia building huge Hitler style safe havens right now? RT never reports about their new bunker projects.

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