Simplify planning system, NSW govt told

The NSW government is being urged to adopt 16 new recommendations to help prevent corruption in the planning system.

The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) said steps should be taken to simplify the system and called for authorities to provide regular public updates about development applications under consideration.

It also called for new measures to improve transparency and accountability.

The recommendations are contained in the ICAC’s Anti-corruption Safeguards and the NSW Planning System report, which is being submitted to the state government’s ongoing review of planning rules.

“Improving on the transparency, accountability and openness in the NSW planning system would do much to reinstate confidence in the governance of planning in NSW,” the report says.

“This, however, requires imagination and foresight to avoid the regulatory gridlock that is typically associated with controls to prevent corruption.”

The ICAC said it has produced 30 reports exposing likely or actual corruption in the planning system since its first case in 1989.

It said a high number of complaints involve planning issues.

The state government launched a review of planning rules in July last year and is expected to act on its findings later in 2012.

One of its first acts after winning the March state election was to repeal controversial “Part 3A” development laws that gave powers to the planning minister to override environmental and council concerns about some projects.

The ICAC had previously criticised Part 3A, saying it lacked safeguards.

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