Six white people arrested linked to ‘revenge killing’ for Eugene Terreblanche murder

Mrs Titimani said that she knew of others who had been attacked in the same
field. “From what I hear, it is by white men who say they are taking
revenge for Eugene Terreblanche,” she added.

Terreblanche led the Afrikaner Resistance Movement campaigning for a separate
white homeland after democracy in 1994. He was murdered by a black worker on
his remote farm in April 2010 in a dispute over pay.

Captain Pinky Tsyinyane, a police spokesman, said the six suspects would be
put through an identification parade to determine if they were involved in
any of the assaults or murders, including Sibusiso’s.

The six have been charged with the possession of unlicensed firearms and are
expected to appear before magistrates this week.

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