Sneering MSNBC Anchor: “I’m Way Too Lazy” To Research Bilderberg

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Is it any wonder global elite confab avoids media scrutiny?

Steve Watson
May 31, 2012

Sneering MSNBC Anchor: Im Way Too Lazy To Research Bilderberg safe image.php?

MSNBC Teleprompter reader Lawrence O’Donnell has admitted he is “way too lazy” to look into the activities of the elite Bilderberg Group meeting in secret this weekend in Chantilly, Virginia.

O’Donnell was asked about Bilderberg by We Are Change reporter Luke Rudkowski, who attempted to break through what can only be described as a wall of ignorance and cognitive dissonance to enlighten The Last Word host.

The as always mild mannered and polite Rudkowski attempted to explain to O’Donnell that Bilderberg is an annual meeting of most influential people on the planet.

“No its not” O’Donnell shot back, before adding “I have no idea what it is – so its not.”

When Rudkowski attempted to explain that last year’s meeting was held in Switzerland, O’Donnell said “That’s a lie. People are lying to you.”

When Rudkowski said he actually went to the location of the meeting to report on it, O’Donnell said “No you didn’t. You didn’t see a single media person go…”

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

When Rudkowski attempted to explain that Bilderberg meet to form policy and consolidate power, as admitted recently by Former NATO Secretary-General and Bilderberg member Willy Claes, O’Donnell repeatedly said “no it’s not, no it’s not, no it’s not.”

O’Donnell, who would barely even look Rudkowski in the face during the short encounter, is presumably so high on his peanut gallery that it is beneath him to even talk to the alternative media.

“I believe the world is simpler than you think.” he concluded, saying that every bad thing in the world can be “explained by stupidity”.

“You are misunderstanding the universe.” O’Donnell patronizingly told Rudkowski, after suggesting that the reporter “talk to someone who knows something about this”.

When this is the level of sneering ignorance displayed by those within the mainstream media, is it any wonder that Bilderberg is able to meet without scrutiny and create global policy without oversight?

In addition, is it any wonder that the ratings of the likes of MSNBC are dropping faster than a bad facelift?

Watch the video:


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.

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23 Responses to “Sneering MSNBC Anchor: “I’m Way Too Lazy” To Research Bilderberg”

  1. the interviewed person is a snide asshole who says it is not true its a lie alie this tells you what it is a moronic shithead and a stupid learned retard, luke is right on the truth as whats it face is so full of crap it is pitiful !

    chicofruitbat Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 10:01 am

    I think that guy probably knows way more than he is letting on. His whole demeanour shows that he feels seriously compromised and that says a lot.

    singularity Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 10:26 am

    O’Donnell isn’t so much lazy as he is a die-hard Globalist Shill. He’s made dozens, perhaps hundreds, of comments clearly stating his allegiance to TPTB.

    He’s been drinking the Kool-Aid for a long time and was a regular on the McLaughlin Report, a political kabuki sideshow moderated by a former Catholic priest and only slightly above par with the circus-like couple James Carville and Mary Matalin.

    Robert46 Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 11:34 am

    He has already admitted on live TV that he is a avowed socialist. Which is pretty much the mechanism of how these globalist get control of a society.

    Robert46 Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 11:35 am

    Special note: Which is why the public school system was instituted in the 1st place! To preach and teach the need for global government.

    wiggins Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 11:59 am

    Absolutely….what you are seeing Worldwide is a progression of the Communist Manifesto.
    Political Correctness, Health Safety, Human Rights are all the bastard step-child………of THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO.

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 12:29 pm

    I like the way this moron looks around to make sure noone is listening or watching and generally looks shifty.Sounds like he doesnt know anything so he is perfect for TV.I dont know anything + its a conspiracy and i am going to childishly and stubbornly deny everything as i want to keep my job and not bite the hands that feeds me.He admits he is lazy so there is the problem.He is comfortable within his reality bubble and its wrong of Rudowski to try and break him out of his denial prison and alter his view of reality.

  2. The Bilderbergs are meeting again in Chantilly, VA. to conspire against freedom and liberty. It’s your mission to shoot down the surveillance drones, so Alex Jones can cover the event.

    Play the Bilderberg Game!
    click my link

  3. What a Dick!

  4. Challenge to O’Donnell: Explain the Eye of the Needle, YOU STUPID DRAC FUCK, and how the nation’s most horrific abduction crimes are focused THERE, all passing through a space of about 400 square miles of offshore Atlantic ocean and come together between a stage managed Miami zombie hijinks and a Bilderberg human sacrifice event so horrific it would scare the hell out of Ted Bundy, YOU DISMISSIVE PIECE OF SHIT!

  5. God, I ha…

    ALEX JONES says: Hold it down a bit, coastx. We are are all feeling this nightmare. O’Donnell’s coming up on the radar for a reason.

    coastx says: @#$%^ $#%@@@! MON#$^$#AN))((%TO! NNCIND!

    ALEX JONES says: Tech, cut his feed!

    coastx says: ON$%^#[…fzzt]

    ALEX JONES says: People ARE getting the message!

  6. Over the last half century, America’s destiny has been determined by a steady stream of “lone nuts” and a handful of incompetent saudi “Terrorists”..!!….????……


    ………………………………………..Computer says NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Ah, O’Donnell’s using the double bind in his conversation with Luke Rudkowski.

    Tame as this conversation was on the surface, O’Donnell was seething having no way to shield himself from Rudkowski’s press for information.

    O’Donnell’s a minor Drac. He’s probably the equivalent of a Ted Bundy just he’s smart enough to stay under the radar but not motivated enough care about politics.


    hammerhead Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 10:50 am

    dont give him so much credit , he’s just an arrogant ass, no more.

    and why are we to assume an msnbc anchor is relevant? or credible ? or even informed ?
    this is the picture of a dumbed down ,out of touch rich bastard.

  8. mentally lazy? wow what an excuse to serve evil

    brain washed chill

  9. ‘Sneering MSNBC Anchor: “I’m Way Too Lazy” To Research Bilderberg’

    Yes, agreed. That is precisely why you have a job. You can talk about something you don’t know about and mislead people because you are intentionally ignorant. Plant your head in the sand O’Donnell and continue to be an absolutely pathetic propaganda mouthpiece. Thank You Luke!!!

  10. “You are misunderstanding the universe.” O’Donnell patronizingly told Rudkowski.

    I knew it! O’Donnell is from planet Pop Tart! Where’s his Green Gard?

    coastx Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 11:29 am


  11. “No its not” O’Donnell shot back, before adding “I have no idea what it is – so its not.”

    (O’Donnell covers eyes and ears while uttering ‘lalalalalalala.’)

    coastx Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 11:29 am


    wiggins Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 12:11 pm

    Why would any sensible investigative journalist do that? Unless he has been told to tow the line vis-a-vis the ‘secret’ Bilderberg Meeting. What a bell end.

  12. He probably thinks he’d lose his cushy job if he acknowledged reality on camera. But he also sounds like an arrogant twit. Just think, all he has to do is look pretty and regurgitate words from the teleprompter. He’s not a journalist, he’s a mere actor. And an overpaid one at that.

    Or maybe he’s so frightened by anything outside his box that he shuts down. There are many people out there like that, who won’t even lift a finger to prep, who cling desperately to the Matrix, who go LALALALALA when anyone says anything remotely scary.


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