Order for SAS to move in for Helen Johnston a difficult decision for David Cameron

An inquest last year heard that a series of blunders by American special
forces led to her death.

She died after a member of Seal Team Six threw a grenade during the raid to
rescue from Afghan captors.

The soldier also wounded his team leader, who suffered shrapnel wounds from
the explosion.

Speaking after the inquest, Miss Norgrove’s father John said: “When the
grenade was thrown the insurgents were all dead or dying and the only person
killed by the grenade was Linda.”

Miss Norgrove, 36, died 11 days after her capture in the dangerous Kunar

In March this year Judith Tebbutt , the British holidaymaker kidnapped by
Somali pirates, was released after her family raised an £820,000 ransom.

The 57–year–old social worker was kidnapped in September along with her
husband, David, who was killed during the abduction.

Mrs Tebbutt disclosed that she did not even realise her husband had been
killed trying to fight off the kidnappers until two weeks after being taken

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