WeAreChange Proves Tony Blair Lied To Parliament About Bilderberg

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May 31, 2012

Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange confronts former British Prime Minister Tony Blair about his documented visits to Bilderberg meetings. Blair admits he was there and says “it’s a really useful group”. So why was his visit stricken from Parliamentary records?

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13 Responses to “WeAreChange Proves Tony Blair Lied To Parliament About Bilderberg”

  1. Is it not obvious enough that the leaders of the EU and America are just puppets with masters behind closed doors pulling their strings.

    Vic Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 9:39 am

    of course it is obvious and we can only hope humanity can expose the handlers behind the scenes that feeds this war Empire.

  2. LUKE.. as always, yer friggin awesome!

  3. Crazy eyes Blair. Evil lurks within.

  4. Maybe one day these lying criminals will get there asses kicked real good by the people of this planet who have been abused by war mongrers like Blair and others. ?

  5. well done Luke
    huge mahaloz for all you do

  6. Blair is possessed….call a priest, I hear he has become a Cat-lick… when he is not being Jooooish.

  7. I think the video was great, especially the 7/7 bombings question. One thing I dislike is that Blair was at a ceremony for 9/11 victims. That is actually the biggest cover up. My belief is that there were no victims on 9/11. The whole thing was a sham. What we saw on 9/11 was a made for TV movie and buildings being demolished. This is discussed in depth at cluesforum dot info.

    wiggins Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 11:17 am

    I’ve heard this also on Veterans Today…..strange shit ok.

  8. when people meet up with a scum bag like him , through tomatoes at him. a lot of tomatoes and mayby a rock or two lol after all he ordered the murders of how many innocent people?

  9. YOU all think the BUshes are out of the American political picture?

    think twice.

  10. Hmmm, must be a slow bad-news week at PP.

    wiggins Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 11:18 am

    Not really.

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