Songkran festival: new year in Thailand and Myanmar marked with water fights

  • Water fights usher in Buddhist New Year

    13 Apr 2012

  • Thailand breaks world record for water pistol fight

    13 Apr 2011

In World news

North Koreans pay tribute after the unveiling ceremony of statues of Kim Il-sung, and Kim Jong-il on Munsudae Hill in Pyongyang 

North Korea celebrates

Women try to dodge water as they celebrate the Songkran water festival, or Thai New Year, in Bangkok 

The Songkran festival

11 April 2012: Private Jaco van Gass tries out his prosthetic ice axe for the first time, while testing equipment before his team begin their climb of Mount Everest.  Private van Gass, who lost his left arm in a rocket blast in Afghanistan in 2009, put his own invention through its paces, and realised it needs some minor adjustments.  

Walking with the Wounded

Acehnese women hug each other and pray shortly after the earthquake 

Indonesia earthquake

Daily life in North Korea as it prepares for the centenary of Kim il-Sung's birth 

Daily life in North Korea


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