When the Irish-born US representative to the UN, Samantha Powers, used the word ‘barbarism’ to describe the Russian counter-terrrorism efforts in Aleppo in Syria, it got me really annoyed. How dare she misuse that word? Being a Dane and with a strong Viking ancestry, I think, I am in some position of authority to say what is ‘barbaric’ and what is not. We Danes were the Barbarians and my ancestors undoubtedly had much fun in those days sailing around raping and pillaging the world, or spreading “freedom and democracy” as it now is called. So to hear that some of the descendants of some of those Vikings, the Angles and the Saxons, who went over in the 5th century to take the British Isles, have so forgotten the meaning of the word, that they call the killing of head chopping terrorists ‘barbaric’ is truly sad.

Let me remind the readers of what the word barbaric really means.

When the mercenaries of the US led coalition in 2011 bombed Libya back to the stone age and lynched its sovereign leader, Gaddaffi, THAT was barbaric.


When Hillary Clinton then cackled about it in vicious delight, THAT was barbaric!

When the US government decided to drop two atom bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in 1945, killing 450,000 people, just to test the bomb and send a message to Tsarist Russia and when the Japanese were ready to surrender, and for the US to then never apologize for it, now THAT is barbaric!


When the US and its allies firebombed German cities at the end of the 2nd World War, in particular Dresden where 500,000 people died, which had no military value and which resulted in the total destruction of the city due to the dropping of 700,000 phosphorous bombs, and again with no apology. Now THAT was barbaric.

When the USA killing of up to 3,8 million people during the Vietnam war, most of them Vietnamese civilians, and left a toxic legacy of Agent Orange and millions of landmines behind to continue killing ‘silently’ ever after: Now THAT is barbaric!


The list could go on and on. The Russian spokeswoman for Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, was totally right to take Samantha Power to task for using the word ‘barbarism’. Samantha Power is a war harpy and is examplary of all that is wrong with the US and their projection on to other countries what they themselves are doing. If Power and her ilk want to know the real meaning of the word barbaric, she need only look in the mirror and to her government’s foreign policy over the last 70 years.