Stalker threatened Alec Baldwin with ‘ war’ if he refused marriage

Sabourin was arrested earlier this year after travelling to Mr Baldwin’s
Manhattan home just days after turning up at his holiday home in the
Hamptons. She had also turned up unannounced at events Mr Baldwin was taking
part in, he says.

Mr Baldwin met Sabourin in 2002 on the set of his movie The Adventures of
Pluto Nash. He took her to dinner eight years later, he says simply to give
her career advice.

However Sabourin’s lawyers claim that he later accompanied her back to her
hotel. Her lawyer Maurice Sercarz said she was not stalking him. “She
wanted to determine, face to face, whether her amorous feelings for Mr.
Baldwin were shared by him.” he told a previous court hearing.

Sabourin is charged with 23 counts of harassment and one count of stalking.
She will appear in court again next month.

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