Storefront medical marijuana shops banned in Los Angeles

Under the measure approved by the council, regulated and illegal dispensaries
would be asked to shut down within 30 days of the measure having been signed
by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who supports the ban.

“Relief is coming in the form of having a more focused and intense
crackdown on these dispensaries that cause problems in our neighbourhoods,”
said Councilman Jose Huizar. “If we try to move forward to regulate
(storefronts), we will fail. It would be an exercise in futility.”

Even as the medical marijuana industry has faced a number of setbacks in
recent years, supporters of full legalisation are widening their
confrontation with the Obama administration.

Residents of Washington state, Colorado and Oregon are set to vote in November
on ballot measures seeking to allow the drug for recreational use, in spite
of the federal ban.

Christopher Koontz, planning deputy for Los Angeles Councilman Paul Koretz,
said he expects the dispensary community will challenge the ban with a
lawsuit, as it did over the city’s past attempts to control the shops.

The city has been unable to collect sales tax from the pot shops, losing out
on millions of dollars, he said.

Earlier this month, a state appeals court ruled Los Angeles County could not
ban dispensaries in areas outside cities that the county government

The ruling was one of a number of conflicting decisions by judges, and the
California Supreme Court is expected within about a year to settle the
controversy with a ruling on the ability of local jurisdictions to control
the medical pot shops.

Police Chief Charlie Beck said the Los Angeles ban is needed because the
city’s dispensaries have a “toxic mixture of high-level narcotics and
high amounts of cash.”

In supporting the dispensaries, physician and caregiver Jeff Thompson said the
ban would prevent “safe access to medicine.”

“Don’t force people to go the black market and increase crime,” he

The measure adopted by the council was described by supporters as a “soft
ban” because it would allow two or three patients to grow and share
cannabis in homes or apartments, but not storefronts.

“I think this idea that three people can get together and grow (pot) …
is a bit disingenuous,” said Lynne Lyman, California state director for
the Drug Policy Alliance, which has backed pot legalisation efforts.

The average person won’t have the wherewithal to do it. “I don’t have
time to grow carrots and lettuce for my family,” Ms Lyman said.

Source: agencies

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