Survey: Married women overwhelmingly dissatisfied with sex life

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(NaturalNews) As much as we believe in marriage as a culture, the cherished bonds are failing miserably where sexual intimacy is concerned. In a much-discussed recent study of 35,000 American women, published in Woman’s Day, 79 percent said they’d like sex more often, and 52 percent said they have no sex life to speak of.

When you combine all the tedious tasks the average woman has to do, usually carrying the bulk of the domestic burden in a modern family, with little sexual fulfillment or emotional intimacy, you have a recipe for disaster.

Exploring the end of her own marriage, Atlantic Monthly columnist Sandra Tsing Loh laments, “Given my staggering working mother’s to-do list, I cannot take on yet another arduous home- and self-improvement project, that of rekindling our romance.” She then moves on to diagnose a broader epidemic of dissatisfaction – emotional, social, familial and, most of all, sexual – among women. “To work, to parent, to housekeep, to be the ones who schedule ‘date night’ … and then, in the bedroom, to be ignored – it’s a bum deal,” she writes.

Yet, Americans are committed to the institution of marriage, with only 10% of people believing marriage is an outdated institution. This, in spite of the fact that 90% of Americans will both marry and divorce in their lifetime. We are living the paradox as a culture. However, married individuals, as well as those in committed relationships of all kinds, should wake up and take action, especially men.

Wake up men, she really will leave you!

Women file for divorce twice as often as men do in the United States, with the top reason being neglect. After a certain amount of neglect, some believe that women are left with no choice but to permanently withdraw emotionally. With no emotional connection, every domestic task becomes a burden. It is no way to live. Worse, many men are oblivious to what is going on, even when the situation becomes extreme. The average guy wakes up to reality when he is served divorce papers. This is simply not acceptable.

Men, if you want to keep your partner in life, take to heart the following advice.

Listen. Put down the laptop and spend a few minutes every day listening to your partner. Amazingly, she often won’t require anything more of you. Usually, she just wants to know you care.

Think (of her). An ounce of thoughtfulness yields gallons of appreciation in return. Do something for her without having to be asked. Simple!

Help. Wash the dishes. Do the laundry (without ruining anything). Do homework with the kids. Come out of the garage and into family life. Just knowing you are available will life her burden.

Feel. That’s right. Feel. I know it takes courage to make yourself vulnerable, more courage than most men possess. Be brave. Share your feelings.

Extend. M Scott Peck defined love as the willingness to extend yourself on behalf of another. In other words, go out of your way for her. There is no better way to demonstrate your love and create respect and trust. This is the opposite of neglect, men – a perfect divorce antidote.

With a few of the fundamentals of healthy relating in place, emotional and sexual intimacy will naturally follow, if you are up for it. If not, I hope you are up for the end of your relationship. Then, when you find another partner, you’ll face the same challenges all over again.

For more expert advice on marriage and perhaps the clearest explanation ever on why marriage is so challenging, listen to Drs. Peter Pearson and Ellyn Bader on the May 9, 2012 episode of Mental Health Exposed, a Natural News Radio show hosted by Mike Bundrant.

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Mike Bundrant is the host of Mental Health Exposed, a Natural News Radio program, and author of Tame the DMN, a unique stress prevention tool available only at the iNLP Center.

Learn more about Mike’s down-to-earth, skill-based life coaching that comes with a lifetime membership to the iNLP Center’s online school and receive a free life coaching strategy session.

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