Sushi-making robots can crank out tasty fish rolls 24 hours a day

Like many traditional dishes, great sushi is as much about the skill of the chef as it is the quality of the ingredients, and we all know by now that there’s no person on the planet that can match the dexterity of a robot. Japanese company Suzumo feels the same way, and while it claims to have created the very first sushi-making robot way back in 1981, its newest automaton puts all others — and almost all humans — to shame.

The new bots work as a team: One machine creates the all-important sushi rice mounds at a rate of 3,600 per hour, while the other takes the seaweed wrapping and raw fish and folds it into the perfect roll. Working at its maximum rate, the robotic roller can craft approximately 300 medium-sized rolls per hour, which averages out to 10 rolls every two minutes. The current human world record sushi roller is Joakim Lundblad, whose record stands at 12 rolls in two minutes.

Of course, while Lundblad put every ounce of energy into that two-minute world record, the Suzumo bot can work at its maximum speed 24/7. If the two were put together head-to-head in a marathon sushi-rolling throwdown, the winner would likely be the one with a power plug on its backside. Check out the bots in action above, and try not to get too hungry.

[via Wired]

This article originally appeared on Tecca

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