Swedish man survived for two months in snowbound car thanks to ‘igloo’ effect

Dr Segerberg said it was not unusual for someone to survive such a period of

“Starvation for one month, anyone can tolerate that if they have water to
drink,” said Dr Segerberg. “If you have body fat, you will survive
even longer, although you end up looking like someone coming from a
concentration camp.”

He estimated that Mr Skyllberg could have lost more than three stone of his
body weight over the period. Earlier police reports suggested Mr Skyllberg
was in “really bad shape” when he was found.

He conceded that it was incredibly rare for someone to survive for so long
outside in the cold Swedish winter.

“This is a case in a lifetime. Every winter we have people who have
frozen to death. But a case like this, with someone caught outside for such
a long time, is very rare, because it’s very rare that you are not missed by
anyone, which seems to be the case in this instance.”

Mr Skyllberg has so far declined all requests for interviews about his ordeal.

“The patient only wants it to be known that he is feeling well and is
being well-treated in the hospital,” the hospital said.

Mr Skyllberg has already been moved into an ordinary ward, and is conversing
with nurses and other patients. He is likely to be released within days.

Mr Skyllbrg’s neighbour meanwhile said he was a “loner” who
disappeared after a failed business venture left him mired in debt.

“He had got into a lot of debt, and he couldn’t pay his bills, and then
he just disappeared,” said Magnus Jernberg, Mr Skyllberg’s neighbour in
Karlskroga, Sweden. “It was a bit of a joke for us. We said ‘Oh, I
think they just found Peter’. And then it was Peter.”

The local court late last year ordered for Mr Skyllberg’s properties to be
seized, after he was unable to pay debts of 1.6m Swedish Kronor (£150,000).

According to a neighbour who spoke to Sweden’s Aftonbladet, Mr Skyllberg’s
girlfriend had left him by the time he disappeared.

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