Syria: Barack Obama says the world ‘cannot be bystanders’ as slaughter continues

Obama spoke shortly after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used strong
language to denounce Russia and China for protecting Syria, and the
president’s language about the need for world unity was viewed as a similar
condemnation of those two nations.

Mr Obama said he was encouraged by developments out of Tunisia on Friday,
where more than 60 nations, in a unified bloc, asked the United Nations to
begin planning a civilian peacekeeping mission that would deploy after the
Assad regime halts its brutal crackdown on the opposition.

The Tunisia meeting is the latest international effort to end the crisis,
which began when protesters inspired by uprisings sweeping across the Arab
world took to the streets in some of Syria’s impoverished provinces nearly a
year ago to demand political change.

Assad’s security forces have responded with a fierce crackdown. There is no
end in sight.

The government blames the violence on Islamic extremists and armed gangs. The
situation has grown increasingly militarized in recent months, with
opposition forces increasingly taking up arms against the regime. The UN
estimated in January that 5,400 people were killed in the conflict in 2011.
Hundreds more have died since.

Mr Obama’s language was stronger than in the past, reflecting the worsening
humanitarian crisis and the urgent efforts to help civilians in the short

Among the near-term options to help civilians are Red Cross evacuation
missions like one that brought at least seven wounded people out of Homs on
Friday, and larger international efforts to get humanitarian supplies into
the country. The Obama administration has not called for any specific action
but would almost certainly be part of any large-scale humanitarian relief
effort that might be organized during the coming days or weeks.

A broad humanitarian relief effort would require agreement from the Assad
government, perhaps under a negotiated cease-fire. Mr Assad has not
indicated he is willing to broker any deal.

And unlike in Libya last year, there is no international consensus for a
military confrontation with Syria.

The US and European allies had sought a resolution at the UN Security Council
that would have backed an Arab League plan for Assad to leave power, but the
measure was blocked by both Russia and China.

Mrs Clinton, speaking at the Tunisia meeting Friday, blasted both countries
for opposing UN action, calling it “despicable.” She said she would be
willing to go back to the UN as often as needed, “but we need to change the
attitude of the Russian and Chinese governments.”

Mr Obama spoke following an Oval Office meeting with Danish Prime Minister
Helle Thorning-Schmidt. The prime minister said the situation in Syria is
“horrendous” and urged the international community to keep up the pressure
against Assad’s regime.

Said Mr Obama: “We are going to continue to keep the pressure up and look for
every tool available to prevent the slaughter of innocents in Syria.” He
said he and the prime minister agreed that it is vital “that we not be
bystanders during these extraordinary events.”

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