Syria: Dozens killed as army bombards Homs with mortar fire

Witnesses said the shelling began at around 8pm and continued throughout the
night, with army forces targeting the neighborhoods of Bab Toudmor, Bab
Dreib, and Karm el-Shami because of their links with rebel groups.

As is so often the case, news of the violence spread on Twitter
and other social networks and YouTube was soon full of graphic videos
purporting to show the victims of the withering mortar fire.

Al-Jazeera reported that the shelling was prompted by an attack on government
troops by defectors from the army, who had begun setting up checkpoints in
the city in an attempt to gain control.

The killings came at the end of a day in which thousands of protesters braved
the streets to commemorate the 1982 massacre of civilians in the city of

Then-president Hafez al-Assad, the father Bashar al-Assad, the current ruler,
flattened the city in an attempt to quell an uprising against his regime,
resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians.

At the United Nations headquarters in New York, diplomats were preparing to
vote on a resolution aimed at ending the crisis.

Days of talks dragged on into the weekend after Russia initially refused to
sign up to a watered down draft which removed references to the departure of
President Bashar al-Assad

Russia’s foreign ministry initially said the latest draft of the resolution
was unacceptable, but held out hope that a tolerable version could yet be

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