Syria: heavy firefight breaks out in Damascus

Most opposition groups have rejected the NCB over its insistence on
non-violence and its stance against foreign intervention.

Security forces also arrested Farzand Omar, a doctor and politician from the
party “Building the Syria State,” when he arrived at the Damascus
airport from his hometown of Aleppo.

World powers have been unable to stop more than a year of bloodshed in Syria,
a country that sits on the fault lines of several regional and ethnic
conflicts. Recent army gains against rebel positions have shown no sign of
quelling the violence and no negotiated settlement is in sight.

The United Nations says more than 8,000 people have been killed and
humanitarian conditions are grim. The government says about 2,000 members of
security forces have been killed.

In Aleppo, Syria’s commercial hub, state news agency SANA said terrorists were
behind the car bomb that killed two people and wounded 30 others when it
exploded in a central area close to a state security office and a church.

The explosion came a day after twin blasts on Saturday killed 27 people in
Damascus and wounded nearly 100 others.

Aleppo had seen less unrest than much of Syria but has recently been hit with
more violence as the revolt spreads and becomes increasingly bloody.

The semi-official news channel al-Ikhbariya said security forces had been
tipped off about the bomb in Aleppo and had been moving residents out of the
area when it went off. It said the car had been filled with 200kg (440lb) of

Pictures on the SANA website showed building fronts blasted open and aid
workers standing near piles of shattered masonry and bomb craters, while
Syria TV showed a street corner splattered in blood.

“The explosion came suddenly and the only thing I thought to do was fall
to the ground,” a girl told Syria TV, her hands and face covered in
shards of glass. “Nothing remained. All the building fronts collapsed.
God curse them.”

No group claimed responsibility for the Aleppo attack, and an activist from
the opposition’s local Revolutionary Council said the government was behind
the explosion.

Reports from Syria are difficult to verify as the government has restricted
access to foreign journalists.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 19 people, including
four children, were killed in rocket attacks and by gunfire during army
raids and fighting with rebels across the country on Sunday.

Fighting subsided overnight in the eastern city of Deir al-Zor after army
tanks shelled a Free Syrian Army hideout there in the morning, killing at
least six rebels.

The insurgents retaliated by attacking roadblocks and security compounds in
various districts of the city, residents and opposition activists said.

“The Free Syrian Army responded fiercely. Around 200 rebels took to the
streets and hit army patrols stationed at roundabouts and schools and
government buildings that have been turned into ‘shabbiha’ (pro-Assad
militiamen) headquarters,” Wael Ghaith, an opposition activist, said.

“The army has all but pulled out from the main thoroughfares by night,”
he added.

A statement by rebels said they had killed Major Ayham al-Hamad, a key
operative in Airforce Intelligence, a secret police division that has been
spearheading the crackdown on the revolt in the city.

Deir al-Zor, which lies on the Euphrates River in Syria’s Sunni Muslim desert
heartland, is capital of the oil-producing province of the same name. The
area borders Iraq and tribes on the two sides have strong communal links.

The year-long uprising has largely unravelled an alliance between Sunni tribal
chiefs and Syria’s ruling Alawite minority forged by Assad’s father, the
late President Hafez al-Assad, who used a carrot-and-stick approach to
secure the loyalty of the region.

In Raqqa, another poor Sunni Muslim tribal city on the Euphrates, troops and
military Intelligence agents deployed and army snipers took to rooftops
after security forces shot dead at least 20 people in the last three days,
opposition activists said.

Most of the casualties were protesters killed when a large crowd tried to
bring down a big statue of Assad’s father, in the middle of the city, they
said, adding that sporadic demonstrations continued in Raqqa on Sunday and
that fighting was reported between army defectors and loyalist troops.

Source: agencies

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