Syria pledges to respect Kofi Annan’s peace plan in full says China

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said the United States is still “hoping
for the best” but is discussing with other powers what to do in the
event the peace plan collapses.

She has also called on Damascus to honour Annan’s plan in full, pointing out
that the proposal also means allowing peaceful demonstrations, releasing
political prisoners and allowing a peaceful political transition to begin.

Yang told Muallem he hoped Syria would co-operate with Annan’s mediation work,
as well as the UN observer mission, according to the ministry.

Opposition groups in Syria have accused the regime of violating the ceasefire,
and the Syrian National Council says the government is still carrying out “massacres.”

However, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has pointed the finger at the
opposition – 11 of 35 people killed in violence on Monday were soldiers –
and urged the rebels’ foreign supporters to press them to honour the truce.

French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe has said “stronger sanctions”
against Damascus must be adopted to “pressure the Syrian regime”
and erode its resources.

Juppe has invited several of his fellow foreign ministers to talks in Paris on
Thursday on ways to boost the pressure on Syria, a government source said.

China has consistently backed Annan’s efforts to bring peace to Syria, after
he visited Beijing last month.

Beijing, an ally of Damascus, previously drew international criticism for
vetoing two UN Security Council resolutions on the Syria crisis which were
critical of President Bashar al-Assad.

Source: AFP

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