Syria: Putin – CSTO Peacekeeping force and Free Trade Zone with Russia

Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation, thinks about the deployment of a CSTO Peacekeeping force to Syria and is also considering the establishment of a Free Trade Zone between Syria and the Customs Union.

The Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the deployment of a Peacekeeping force to Syria could prevent the increase of danger that the country slips more and more into a real civil war. Actual, Putin spoke about the deployment of a CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) Peacekeeping force to Syria, but the Russian President has not mentioned in his recent statements whether this CSTO peacekeeping force would act with or without a mandate of the UN Security Council (UNSC).

Vladimir Putin has already asked the Secretary General of the Organization of Collective Security Treaty (CSTO), Nikolai Bordyuzha, that the Secretary General of the Organization of Collective Security Treaty (CSTO) should make a proposal to this effect.

Of course, this actual peaceful initiative of the Russian President Putin, to send a CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) Peacekeeping force to Syria in order to prevent that the country slips more and more into a real civil war, is antithetical to the NATO military intervention in Syria, which is truly envisaged by a lot of Western governments.

Although the aftereffects of such a military intervention are not to predict and although there is a huge risk for such an intervention in Syria, some sides like the Gulf States Qatar and Saudi Arabia, together with the AIPAC-driven U.S. foreign policy and some other governments do demand a military intervention in Syria.

Not to mention that Western governments in fact know the true situation in Syria, but the truth would not be a benefit for some questionable geopolitical goals and some other dubious intentions of these Western country with the Gulf allies and countries like Turkey.

Zhe Secretary General of the Organization of Collective Security Treaty (CSTO), Nikolai Bordyuzha, has immediately given the statement that the CSTO is capable of such a Peacekeeping mission to Syria and that a force of 20,000 well-trained “blue fur hats” can be deployed to Syria without a delay.

Mr. Bordyuzha immediately made it known that the CSTO is capable of deploying in Syria without delay a force of 20,000 well-trained “blue fur hats.” The CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) is an intergovernmental military alliance, made up by Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO; Russian: Организация Договора о Коллективной Безопасности) was founded on 7 October 2002, when the Presidents of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan signed the charter. (Collective Security Treaty Organization – Wikipedia)

This CSTO Peacekeeping force shall, so Putin, mediate between the regular Syrian army and the armed opposition forces and also detain foreign fighters on Syrian soil. After the AIPAC-Darling Susan Rice, U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN Security Council (UNSC), spoke about the possibility for the NATO to intervene militarily in Syria, also without a mandate of the UN Security Council (UNSC), it seems that Putin was not really happy about these statements. Of course, nobody would be surprised if the United States would use the NATO to military intervene in Syria, also without a mandate of the UN Security Council, because it would not be the first time something like this would happen.

But this would put the UN Security Council again into questions and then it would be probably the best to dissolve this worthless UN Security Council. Not to mention that a military intervention in Syria is a threat for the entire region and would also be based on false information, propaganda and dubious intentions of foreign powers.

As stated, the Russian President Vladimir Putin has not yet announced and also not indicated whether such a CSTO Peacekeeping force would act with or also without a mandate of the UN Security Council (UNSC). Probably, this will be clear in some days. The West, meanwhile, could be not so happy about such an idea, although such a CSTO Peacekeeping force could prevent a further increase of the danger of a civil war in Syria.

Of course, after some experiences like Afghanistan, it is just to hope that the intentions of Russia are good, but at least, currently these intentions of Moscow about Syria should be better than the questionable intentions of some Western countries and the Gulf States like Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, is not only considering to send a CSTO Peacekeeping force to Syria, but also considering the establishment of a Free Trade Zone between the Customs Union and Syria. The Customs Union includes Kazakhstan, Belarus and, of course, Russia. The preliminary plans for such a creation of a Free Trade Zone have begun on May 25, 2012.

Such a Free Trade agreement between the Customs Union (UD) and the Syrian government would decrease the horrible effects of the hypocritical sanctions by the West against Syria. These sanctions of the West against Syria are harming the Syrian population

These sanctions of the West against Syria harm the Syrian population and not only the Syrian government in the capital Damascus. Of course, also this is known by the so-called “international community”, but these sanctions are useful tools to further increase the possibility to destabilize Syria more and more.

Not to mention that people under a huge economic pressure could also change their stance and thus, the side. The Western governments support the dubious intentions and questionable goals of some, together with Turkey, Jordan, parts of Lebanon and the Gulf States Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

Thus, Syria has a difficult stand and the situation is hard to solve. In addition, there is a huge media propaganda war against Syria and the truth, which is useful for the West and these dubious intentions, but hard to counteract by the not so professional Syrian media.

Here is a comment by a Syrian guy about the CSTO Peacekeeping force statements of the Russian President Vladimir Putin:

Arabi Souri: Observers are something and a Peace Keeping Force inside the country is something totally different.

While Observers mission with all the criticism it got from all sides including the Syrian people’s resentment seeing it as an interference in their internal issues barely hurts the sovereignty of an independent state, it hurts more the image of a state’s ability to preserve law and order and it’s one step in the declaration of a failing state but it’s reversible.

However, a peace keeping force is a very dangerous step that serves as a separation between state controlled territories and non-state controlled ones, it tampers the very role of a sovereign state, and it’s a very big step towards declaration of a failed state.

I’m for ending the Observer’s mission on time of mandate expiry and preserving law and order by state forces, whatever forces it deems required.

We saw how Lebanon’s army is sent to residential areas in Tripoli with the blessings of the ‘international community’, same goes for the Jazeera Shield (Dir3 Al Jazeera) forces in Bahrain, Yemeni Army everywhere, Egyptian Army inside residential neighborhoods, they even deployed 20,000 troops just to secure the court at time of Mubarak’s verdict, USA deployed its National Guards as mentioned by Assad in his interview with ABC which resulted in the killings of 11 citizens then, USA even drones its own citizens for God sake, not to mention NSA, FBI… roles, Turkish army’s role in raiding and attacking Kurdish villages… But when it comes to the Syrian army or security force, that’s not accepted by the self-claimed ‘international community’ because it fails their plan in failing Syria.

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