Syrian rebels retreat from Homs

Syrian rebels retreat from Homs

Published: 01 March, 2012, 17:13

Syrian rebels raise white flag in Homs

Syrian rebels raise white flag in Homs


Rebels are retreating from the Baba Amro district after laying siege to the area for a month. Opposition forces say it is a “tactical withdrawal” with a few fighters remaining as cover.

Members of the hacktivist group Anonymous take part in a protest in central Brussels January 28, 2012. (Reuters / Yves Herman)
Today: 16:26


Anonymous hackers ratted out by infiltrators

A law enforcement operation that ended with the arrest of 25 hackers in Europe and South America was not the result of police intelligence but rather an informers’ job within the hacker community, claims Anonymous.

LMAO!They have been kicked by the security forces yesterday when they finished them !!!Not tactical withdrawNow there is no need for humanitarian

Good Job ASSAD! kill those rebels and false reporters!

and promoted Democracy.  Then supported a dictator in Syria and Libya. The Russians are not that intelligent are they?  I think the whole mideast should learn to get along but that’s another story.  You went to saudi Arabia and promoted Democracy.  And then make fun of Nato and the US democracy?  Dumb.

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