Posts Tagged ‘aggressors’

Palestinian Resistance Forces Will Never Give in to ‘Israeli’ Aggressors – Islamic Jihad

January 16, 2023  By Staff, Agencies A senior official from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad resistance movement vehemently censured the increase in violence by the Zionist occupation military, vowing that Palestinians will never surrender to the ‘Israeli’ aggressors. “The rise in the number of retaliatory operations in the West Bank explicitly attests to the fact that […]

Yemeni Resistance Deals Heavy Blow To Aggressors: 16 Drones, Ballistic Missiles Target Saudi Depth

[embedded content] By Staff, Agencies In yet another heroic achievement scored against the Saudi aggressors, the Yemeni resistance, represented by the Armed Forces, used 16 drones and ballistic missiles to hit targets deep inside Saudi Arabia in their latest operation, Yemeni Armed Forces Spokesman Brigadier General Yehya Saree announced. “As part of confronting the crimes […]

Yemen’s Ansarullah Gives Saudi-led Aggressors 48 Hours to Free All Tankers If They’re Serious About Peace

By Staff, Agencies Yemen’s Ansarullah revolutionary movement has called on the invading military coalition led by Saudi Arabia to release all Yemeni ships within the next two days as a first step to end a persisting blockade against the Yemeni people. In a number of tweets on Friday night, member of Yemen’s Supreme Political Council […]

Norman Finkelstein: The “Big Lie” About Gaza is That the Palestinians Have Been the Aggressors

AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!,, The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman, as we turn to Part 2 of our conversation with the scholar Norman Finkelstein, author of the new book, Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom. The book is being published as Israel is facing a possible International Criminal Court war […]

‘Space Aggressors’ Train US Forces for Extraterrestrial Conflict

In a large, tin-roofed warehouse near Colorado’s Rocky Mountains, members of a team of modern space warriors spend their days hatching plots to defeat the US military in extraterrestrial combat. They’re called Space Aggressors. Their job is to act like the enemy during mock space battles to help US units prepare for a conflict that […]

U.S. orders Iraq’s government to dissolve Iraqi volunteer forces that are fighting ‘DAESH’ mercenaries

Syrian Free Press Ridiculous, if it were not tragic: the US regime tries to hinder in any way the forces that really fight against the Daesh beasts, in anticipation of the worst war scenarios in which such forces could, alone, thwart any new Zionist plot and wahhabi mercenary before reaches the Syrian soil.(SFP-WP newsroom) Volunteers […]

U.S. orders Iraq’s government to dissolve Iraqi volunteer forces that are fighting ‘DAESH’ mercenaries

Syrian Free Press Ridiculous, if it were not tragic: the US regime tries to hinder in any way the forces that really fight against the Daesh beasts, in anticipation of the worst war scenarios in which such forces could, alone, thwart any new Zionist plot and wahhabi mercenary before reaches the Syrian soil.(SFP-WP newsroom) Volunteers […]

U.S. orders Iraq’s government to dissolve Iraqi volunteer forces that are fighting ‘DAESH’ mercenaries

Syrian Free Press Ridiculous, if it were not tragic: the US regime tries to hinder in any way the forces that really fight against the Daesh beasts, in anticipation of the worst war scenarios in which such forces could, alone, thwart any new Zionist plot and wahhabi mercenary before reaches the Syrian soil.(SFP-WP newsroom) Volunteers […]

U.S. orders Iraq’s government to dissolve Iraqi volunteer forces that are fighting ‘DAESH’ mercenaries

Syrian Free Press Ridiculous, if it were not tragic: the US regime tries to hinder in any way the forces that really fight against the Daesh beasts, in anticipation of the worst war scenarios in which such forces could, alone, thwart any new Zionist plot and wahhabi mercenary before reaches the Syrian soil.(SFP-WP newsroom) Volunteers […]

U.S. orders Iraq’s government to dissolve Iraqi volunteer forces that are fighting ‘DAESH’ mercenaries

Syrian Free Press Ridiculous, if it were not tragic: the US regime tries to hinder in any way the forces that really fight against the Daesh beasts, in anticipation of the worst war scenarios in which such forces could, alone, thwart any new Zionist plot and wahhabi mercenary before reaches the Syrian soil.(SFP-WP newsroom) Volunteers […]

U.S. orders Iraq’s government to dissolve Iraqi volunteer forces that are fighting ‘DAESH’ mercenaries

Syrian Free Press Ridiculous, if it were not tragic: the US regime tries to hinder in any way the forces that really fight against the Daesh beasts, in anticipation of the worst war scenarios in which such forces could, alone, thwart any new Zionist plot and wahhabi mercenary before reaches the Syrian soil.(SFP-WP newsroom) Volunteers […]

U.S. orders Iraq’s government to dissolve Iraqi volunteer forces that are fighting ‘DAESH’ mercenaries

Syrian Free Press Ridiculous, if it were not tragic: the US regime tries to hinder in any way the forces that really fight against the Daesh beasts, in anticipation of the worst war scenarios in which such forces could, alone, thwart any new Zionist plot and wahhabi mercenary before reaches the Syrian soil.(SFP-WP newsroom) Volunteers […]

U.S. orders Iraq’s government to dissolve Iraqi volunteer forces that are fighting ‘DAESH’ mercenaries

Syrian Free Press Ridiculous, if it were not tragic: the US regime tries to hinder in any way the forces that really fight against the Daesh beasts, in anticipation of the worst war scenarios in which such forces could, alone, thwart any new Zionist plot and wahhabi mercenary before reaches the Syrian soil.(SFP-WP newsroom) Volunteers […]

U.S. orders Iraq’s government to dissolve Iraqi volunteer forces that are fighting ‘DAESH’ mercenaries

Syrian Free Press Ridiculous, if it were not tragic: the US regime tries to hinder in any way the forces that really fight against the Daesh beasts, in anticipation of the worst war scenarios in which such forces could, alone, thwart any new Zionist plot and wahhabi mercenary before reaches the Syrian soil.(SFP-WP newsroom) Volunteers […]

U.S. orders Iraq’s government to dissolve Iraqi volunteer forces that are fighting ‘DAESH’ mercenaries

Syrian Free Press Ridiculous, if it were not tragic: the US regime tries to hinder in any way the forces that really fight against the Daesh beasts, in anticipation of the worst war scenarios in which such forces could, alone, thwart any new Zionist plot and wahhabi mercenary before reaches the Syrian soil.(SFP-WP newsroom) Volunteers […]

U.S. orders Iraq’s government to dissolve Iraqi volunteer forces that are fighting ‘DAESH’ mercenaries

Syrian Free Press Ridiculous, if it were not tragic: the US regime tries to hinder in any way the forces that really fight against the Daesh beasts, in anticipation of the worst war scenarios in which such forces could, alone, thwart any new Zionist plot and wahhabi mercenary before reaches the Syrian soil.(SFP-WP newsroom) Volunteers […]

U.S. orders Iraq’s government to dissolve Iraqi volunteer forces that are fighting ‘DAESH’ mercenaries

Syrian Free Press Ridiculous, if it were not tragic: the US regime tries to hinder in any way the forces that really fight against the Daesh beasts, in anticipation of the worst war scenarios in which such forces could, alone, thwart any new Zionist plot and wahhabi mercenary before reaches the Syrian soil.(SFP-WP newsroom) Volunteers […]

U.S. orders Iraq’s government to dissolve Iraqi volunteer forces that are fighting ‘DAESH’ mercenaries

Syrian Free Press Ridiculous, if it were not tragic: the US regime tries to hinder in any way the forces that really fight against the Daesh beasts, in anticipation of the worst war scenarios in which such forces could, alone, thwart any new Zionist plot and wahhabi mercenary before reaches the Syrian soil.(SFP-WP newsroom) Volunteers […]

U.S. orders Iraq’s government to dissolve Iraqi volunteer forces that are fighting ‘DAESH’ mercenaries

Syrian Free Press Ridiculous, if it were not tragic: the US regime tries to hinder in any way the forces that really fight against the Daesh beasts, in anticipation of the worst war scenarios in which such forces could, alone, thwart any new Zionist plot and wahhabi mercenary before reaches the Syrian soil.(SFP-WP newsroom) Volunteers […]

U.S. orders Iraq’s government to dissolve Iraqi volunteer forces that are fighting ‘DAESH’ mercenaries

Syrian Free Press Ridiculous, if it were not tragic: the US regime tries to hinder in any way the forces that really fight against the Daesh beasts, in anticipation of the worst war scenarios in which such forces could, alone, thwart any new Zionist plot and wahhabi mercenary before reaches the Syrian soil.(SFP-WP newsroom) Volunteers […]

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