Posts Tagged ‘alberto’


‘Take a breath. Release the tension in your body.  ‘Place attention on your physical heart.  ‘Breathe slowly into the area for 60 seconds, focusing on feeling a sense of ease.  ‘Click here to learn why we suggest this.’ Alberto Villoldo has studied shamanism. ‘Villoldo says if you have a deep-rooted emotional issue, it can manifest […]

Sixth Anniversary of Argentine Prosecutor Alberto Nisman’s Murder Revives Call for Justice for AMIA Bombing Victims

Before being murdered, prosecutor Alberto Nisman had accused Argentina’s President Cristina Kirchner of covering up Iranian involvement in the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish center. Photo: Twitter. The main community center serving Argentina’s Jews on Monday called for “truth” and “justice” to prevail in the case of Alberto Nisman, on the sixth anniversary of […]