Beginning of a 4-part series on Alinsky’s subversive tactics. The post SP – Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, Part 1 appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source
Posts Tagged ‘alinsky’
Zionist Saul Alinsky & His Devilish Rules For Radicals

Comment: He was a Satanist! SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2008 Who was Saul Alinsky? Saul Alinsky (died 1972) helped mold the philosophy of most liberals today. This guy was a Marxist-Zionist funded organizer who spent most of his life protesting the living conditions of the poor in Chicago in the 1930s. However, his real claim to […]
Blackbird9 – (223) Alinsky Succubus Conjures Crossfire Hurricane

Blackbird9 – (223) Alinsky Succubus Conjures Crossfire HurricaneBLACKBIRD9 EFR simulcasts Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club Live on Weds 8pm-10pm US est. Welcome to Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club’s Wednesday Podcast, Alinsky Succubus Conjures Crossfire Hurricane. Tonight we examined the life and career of Hillary Rodham Clinton. In the First Hour we cover the chaotic events brought on by the […]
Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals

The jewish mastermind of the anti-White Commies laid the framework for the social justice war against us. Although this video is a bit dated (worrying about Obama), the rules have not changed. Source Article from