Posts Tagged ‘banksys’

 The DSKing Of Christine Lagarde: Someone Wants To Eliminate The Head Of The IMF

It was over a year ago when we reported that a French court has put Christine Lagarde, head of the International Monetary Fund, under a formal probe for negligence in a corruption investigation involving famous financier Bernard Tapie, dating back to her days as finance minister. Back then Lagarde said the decision was “without basis,” […]

Documentary Reveals CIA Recruitment of Psychics, Remote Viewers for Espionage

Phillip Schneider, StaffWaking Times A rare documentary from the 1990’s reveals an other-worldly side to secret government projects. Stansfield Turner, CIA Director 1977-1981: “When I was first introduced to this idea of parapsychology I was very skeptical. Then I began to think about it and we all know of people who seem to have some kind […]

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