Posts Tagged ‘bind’

Medical Journal Officially Classifies Fluoride As A Neurotoxin

The Lancet peer-reviewed medical journal has officially classified fluoride as a neurotoxin. Hopefully this will add weight to what a number of experts have been saying for years and help raise awareness about the dangers of this poison and the myths about its benefits currently being sold to the public. Article published in May 2014 […]

French weatherman Verdier ‘sacked’ for writing skeptic climate change book ahead of UN summit

Philippe Verdier, arguably France’s most popular weatherman, is the author of the book ‘Climat Investigation’ (Climate Investigation), in which he accuses state-funded climate change scientists of having been “manipulated” and “politicized.” He goes on to accuse the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of publishing deliberately misleading data. Verdier also says that global warming could […]

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