Posts Tagged ‘Conman’

Neil “the Conman” Keenan – Pampers, Pampers, Read All About It, Get One Free – Perfect since he is truly full of shite

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Pampers, Pampers, Read All About It, Get One Free May 11, 2023  /  Keenan Team It is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver. To clarify the Jeanne/James Show, Jeanne met James in a bar and the chit-chat revealed that James presented himself as a wealthy businessman with long standing relations in […]

Meta1Coin/Conman Dunlap don’t give a F*ck What the SEC Rules are! LOL

[embedded content] ttps:// The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has updated the Texas Western District Court on its action against crypto scam Meta 1 Coin Trust.The document, seen by FX News Group , states that the fraudulent scheme keeps operating in the face of the regulatory action against it.Since the SEC’s last report , the […]

Crook & Conman Michigan Governor Poisoned Water Leading to Children’s Brain Damage and Learning Disabilities

Sunday, January 17, 2021 by: Ramon TomeyTags: badhealth, badpollution, conspiracy, contaminated water, Crimes, Flint water scandal, Heavy metals, lead poisoning, Legionnaire’s disease, Michigan, potable water, Rick Snyder, scandal, water pollution, water supply, water-borne diseaseBypass censorship by sharing this link: Copy URL4,380VIEWS (Natural News) Former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder is facing criminal charges for his involvement in the events that led to the contamination of Flint, Michigan’s water supply. Snyder joins other officials such as […]

Kosher Conman Mark Dice Unmasked

Considering I’ve heard Kyle and Sinead mention this creepy, used car salesman looking man, I figured I’d contribute my insight into his shady background. Mark Dice (real name Mark Shouldice) is a professional scammer who snakes his way into whichever position is most profitable for him. You may know him now as Trumptard extraordinaire, but […]

Elie Wiesel is Dead

This is part of Marc H. Ellis’s “Exile and the Prophetic” feature for Mondoweiss. To read the entire series visit the archive page. Elie Wiesel is dead. The Holocaust world I cut my teeth on is coming to an end. Is the world that cut its teeth on the Holocaust also coming to an end? […]

Maniacal Mark has a website!

Yes ladeez – serial Fruit Loop and Peter Andrew Nolan’s staunchest supporter Mark Stephen Flowers has a  website! kiddyfiddler.jpeg Well, it’s technically Mark’s … but when you read all the Sovereign rubbish, it has Loopy Pete writted all over it. If you click to the Copyright tab of the “page” you will find this curious little Nolanism: […]

Peter Nolan is a Paedophile!

Okay, if you think we are being harsh, here is Loopy Pete’s decree to his MEN on his list (and we know who you all are, because we infiltrated the LIST 18 months ago!) Gentlemen, I have waited for this legislation to come through and come into effect before announcing this change of policy for […]

Peter Nolan talking stalking and threatening on facebook Peter Nolan In my case it was very simple. I will NOT be the willing and complicit victim of a crime. I WOULD RATHER DIS-OWN MY FORMER CHILDREN. WHICH I DID. MRAs are GUTLESS PUSSIES in the 99.9% majority. MRAs DESERVE THEIR SLAVERY. Just look at your post Rahul Patil. You imply you will […]

Peter Nolan impersonation fail of facebook

Peter, if you must create a false persona to act as your only “friend” and supportive voice on facebook, at least have the brains to not use the e-mail [email protected] … it sort of blows the subterfuge – GOOSE!

Meet Maniacal Mark, Mental Midget

Peter Nolan the Conman

Here is a post that Mr Peter Nolan promptly removed from his “Mens Business Association” facebook group … apparently he doesn’t want his membership to know that the admin “Joshua Johns” is in fact Nolan’s fradulent sock puppet and they are being lied to by him. What else have you been dishonest about, Loopy Pete? Meanwhile […]

The stalker gets stalked

We usually don’t endorse stalking, but we do admit to becoming great fans of the work of one Chris Merrett Mbe, or as he prefers to call himself “The AntiNolan“ theantinolan.jpegLoopy Pete has even dedicated a blig slab of his travesty of a “website” Slimes Against Fathers to The AntiNolan! Keep up the good work, Chris! […]

Oh, this is priceless!

—–Original Message—–From: Peter Nolan [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: 14 January 2012 16:04To: ‘Kerry Rzezkik’Cc: ‘chris merrett ‘Subject: Re: Inquiry as to an allegation about publishing slander about Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c) @Gentlemen, Kerry Rzezkik alleges he/she is the sub-editor for the criminal slanderer Chris Merrett at Sly Ink. Chris has taken many months to give me contact details for Kerry. This email is only relevant […]

Who would do business with this thug?

For paper mail our address is: Bd Gheorghe Magheru 7, Ap. 73 Sector 1 10322 Bucharest Romania

The AntiNolan kicks a goal!

Congrats to Chris Merrett Mbe – AKA “The AntiNolan” for his fine prose as an author in a chapter of Sly Ink’s latest phenomenal “Underbelly” true crime instalment! wordsmith.jpegWhat we love about Merrett’s masteful prose in his chapter “Mysoginists, misfits, maniacs and morons” is that in addition to his masterful prose, he took Loopy Pete […]

Now,what is wrong with this picture?

Here is a screen shot from Loopy Pete’s Slimes against fathers website …. Okay Loopy … a few questions for you, this alleged MAN of honour and integrity! Number one: How come you apparently have admin rights to that pimp queen site … isn’t that supposed to be the domain of your fictitious frend John Rambo? You know, […]

Peter, we know you’ve met the AntiNolan!

Okay, now Loopy Pete has declared himself a sovereign … and a bank!

Okay then … we thought there would never be a dodgier scam outside of Nigeria, but this one is a beauty, if only for its blundering simplicity. Yes, ladies, Peter Andrew Nolan has declared himself a bank – The MAN Bank! Aside, from the imaginative name for the new bank (we’re sending our huge stash […]

LOL! Minister personally intervenes to deny Loopy Peter Nolan Irish citizenship!

All we can say, Peter Andrew Nolan© is “we told you so” .. Looks like the Republic of Eire’s quota of bullying fruit and nutjob stalkers was well and truly full! LOL! nopedopolicy.jpeg   buggeroffbullylol.jpeg

Peter Nolan’s army is on the march in Australia … and he is hiding out in Germany …

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