Posts Tagged ‘fiorina’

ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…

The Unbearable Whiteness of #FeelTheBern

Guillaume Durocher Occidental Observer February 11, 2016 I have been very struck by the overwhelming Whiteness of support for the candidacy of the archeo-socialist Bernie Sanders to the presidency of the United States of America, which even extends to Europe among young, hip, English-speaking watchers of the Daily Show. This has been evident in polls […]

The Unbearable Whiteness of #FeelTheBern

Guillaume Durocher Occidental Observer February 11, 2016 I have been very struck by the overwhelming Whiteness of support for the candidacy of the archeo-socialist Bernie Sanders to the presidency of the United States of America, which even extends to Europe among young, hip, English-speaking watchers of the Daily Show. This has been evident in polls […]

The Unbearable Whiteness of #FeelTheBern

Guillaume Durocher Occidental Observer February 11, 2016 I have been very struck by the overwhelming Whiteness of support for the candidacy of the archeo-socialist Bernie Sanders to the presidency of the United States of America, which even extends to Europe among young, hip, English-speaking watchers of the Daily Show. This has been evident in polls […]

The Unbearable Whiteness of #FeelTheBern

Guillaume Durocher Occidental Observer February 11, 2016 I have been very struck by the overwhelming Whiteness of support for the candidacy of the archeo-socialist Bernie Sanders to the presidency of the United States of America, which even extends to Europe among young, hip, English-speaking watchers of the Daily Show. This has been evident in polls […]

The Unbearable Whiteness of #FeelTheBern

Guillaume Durocher Occidental Observer February 11, 2016 I have been very struck by the overwhelming Whiteness of support for the candidacy of the archeo-socialist Bernie Sanders to the presidency of the United States of America, which even extends to Europe among young, hip, English-speaking watchers of the Daily Show. This has been evident in polls […]

The Unbearable Whiteness of #FeelTheBern

Guillaume Durocher Occidental Observer February 11, 2016 I have been very struck by the overwhelming Whiteness of support for the candidacy of the archeo-socialist Bernie Sanders to the presidency of the United States of America, which even extends to Europe among young, hip, English-speaking watchers of the Daily Show. This has been evident in polls […]

The Unbearable Whiteness of #FeelTheBern

Guillaume Durocher Occidental Observer February 11, 2016 I have been very struck by the overwhelming Whiteness of support for the candidacy of the archeo-socialist Bernie Sanders to the presidency of the United States of America, which even extends to Europe among young, hip, English-speaking watchers of the Daily Show. This has been evident in polls […]

The Unbearable Whiteness of #FeelTheBern

Guillaume Durocher Occidental Observer February 11, 2016 I have been very struck by the overwhelming Whiteness of support for the candidacy of the archeo-socialist Bernie Sanders to the presidency of the United States of America, which even extends to Europe among young, hip, English-speaking watchers of the Daily Show. This has been evident in polls […]

The Unbearable Whiteness of #FeelTheBern

Guillaume Durocher Occidental Observer February 11, 2016 I have been very struck by the overwhelming Whiteness of support for the candidacy of the archeo-socialist Bernie Sanders to the presidency of the United States of America, which even extends to Europe among young, hip, English-speaking watchers of the Daily Show. This has been evident in polls […]

The Unbearable Whiteness of #FeelTheBern

Guillaume Durocher Occidental Observer February 11, 2016 I have been very struck by the overwhelming Whiteness of support for the candidacy of the archeo-socialist Bernie Sanders to the presidency of the United States of America, which even extends to Europe among young, hip, English-speaking watchers of the Daily Show. This has been evident in polls […]

The Unbearable Whiteness of #FeelTheBern

Guillaume Durocher Occidental Observer February 11, 2016 I have been very struck by the overwhelming Whiteness of support for the candidacy of the archeo-socialist Bernie Sanders to the presidency of the United States of America, which even extends to Europe among young, hip, English-speaking watchers of the Daily Show. This has been evident in polls […]

The Unbearable Whiteness of #FeelTheBern

Guillaume Durocher Occidental Observer February 11, 2016 I have been very struck by the overwhelming Whiteness of support for the candidacy of the archeo-socialist Bernie Sanders to the presidency of the United States of America, which even extends to Europe among young, hip, English-speaking watchers of the Daily Show. This has been evident in polls […]

The Unbearable Whiteness of #FeelTheBern

Guillaume Durocher Occidental Observer February 11, 2016 I have been very struck by the overwhelming Whiteness of support for the candidacy of the archeo-socialist Bernie Sanders to the presidency of the United States of America, which even extends to Europe among young, hip, English-speaking watchers of the Daily Show. This has been evident in polls […]

The Unbearable Whiteness of #FeelTheBern

Guillaume Durocher Occidental Observer February 11, 2016 I have been very struck by the overwhelming Whiteness of support for the candidacy of the archeo-socialist Bernie Sanders to the presidency of the United States of America, which even extends to Europe among young, hip, English-speaking watchers of the Daily Show. This has been evident in polls […]

The Unbearable Whiteness of #FeelTheBern

Guillaume Durocher Occidental Observer February 11, 2016 I have been very struck by the overwhelming Whiteness of support for the candidacy of the archeo-socialist Bernie Sanders to the presidency of the United States of America, which even extends to Europe among young, hip, English-speaking watchers of the Daily Show. This has been evident in polls […]

The Unbearable Whiteness of #FeelTheBern

Guillaume Durocher Occidental Observer February 11, 2016 I have been very struck by the overwhelming Whiteness of support for the candidacy of the archeo-socialist Bernie Sanders to the presidency of the United States of America, which even extends to Europe among young, hip, English-speaking watchers of the Daily Show. This has been evident in polls […]

The Unbearable Whiteness of #FeelTheBern

Guillaume Durocher Occidental Observer February 11, 2016 I have been very struck by the overwhelming Whiteness of support for the candidacy of the archeo-socialist Bernie Sanders to the presidency of the United States of America, which even extends to Europe among young, hip, English-speaking watchers of the Daily Show. This has been evident in polls […]

The Unbearable Whiteness of #FeelTheBern

Guillaume Durocher Occidental Observer February 11, 2016 I have been very struck by the overwhelming Whiteness of support for the candidacy of the archeo-socialist Bernie Sanders to the presidency of the United States of America, which even extends to Europe among young, hip, English-speaking watchers of the Daily Show. This has been evident in polls […]

The Unbearable Whiteness of #FeelTheBern

Guillaume Durocher Occidental Observer February 11, 2016 I have been very struck by the overwhelming Whiteness of support for the candidacy of the archeo-socialist Bernie Sanders to the presidency of the United States of America, which even extends to Europe among young, hip, English-speaking watchers of the Daily Show. This has been evident in polls […]

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