Posts Tagged ‘foreign ministers’

UNGA emergency session on Palestine should be on table: Arab foreign ministers

Hanan Fayed (TCP) :  Arab foreign ministers adopted a statement drafted by Egypt and Palestine on clashes at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem that demands the Security Council to end Israeli practices that “aim to alter the situation on the ground” and undermine the possibility of negotiations, Youm7 reported Monday. The option pf resuming the tenth […]

Pentagon Report Predicted West’s Support for Islamist Rebels Would Create ISIS

Pentagon Report Predicted West’s Support for Islamist Rebels Would Create ISIS May 27th, 2015 Try not to die of shock. Via: Medium: A declassified secret US government document obtained by the conservative public interest law firm, Judicial Watch, shows that Western governments deliberately allied […]

Fresh nuclear talks to commence

  According to IRIB World Service, citing IRNA, Islamic Republic of Iran’s deputy foreign ministers start a new round of negotiations in Vienna, today, with EU External Action Service Deputy Secretary General, Helga Schmid, in order to draft a comprehensive nuclear agreement. The Iranian Deputy Foreign Ministers, Abbas Araqchi and Majid Takht-e […]

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