Posts Tagged ‘kunar’

After renewed shelling in Kunar, Afghanistan summons Pakistan’s Charge d’Affaires

nsnbc : Pakistan’s Charge d’Affaires in the Afghan capital Kabul was summoned in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs amid what Kabul describes as persistent artillery […]


VINPEARL LAUNCHES SMEAR CAMPAIGN | NAUGHTY. WHERE DID YOU PURCHASE YOUR ANIMALS FROM AGAIN? The Vinpearl Group fronted by Viet Nam’s most richest man has recently launched a very humorous smear campaign, AGAINST I.A.R.F. Now we don’t normally play smear, or even dirty, but if we’re going to play smear lets pull the big clangers out […]


VINPEARL LAUNCHES SMEAR CAMPAIGN | NAUGHTY. WHERE DID YOU PURCHASE YOUR ANIMALS FROM AGAIN? The Vinpearl Group fronted by Viet Nam’s most richest man has recently launched a very humorous smear campaign, AGAINST I.A.R.F. Now we don’t normally play smear, or even dirty, but if we’re going to play smear lets pull the big clangers out […]

Spain agrees to extradite ‘Jihad Jane’ recruiter to US to face terrorism charges

Washington had wanted to speak to Damache, who was arrested in December in Barcelona. Police were alerted to his presence in the Spanish city thanks to a telephone tip-off to the country’s emergency 112 number, Spanish media reported.  US officials believe he conspired with an American woman, Colleen LaRose, known in the US media as […]

Spain agrees to extradite ‘Jihad Jane’ recruiter to US to face terrorism charges

Washington had wanted to speak to Damache, who was arrested in December in Barcelona. Police were alerted to his presence in the Spanish city thanks to a telephone tip-off to the country’s emergency 112 number, Spanish media reported.  US officials believe he conspired with an American woman, Colleen LaRose, known in the US media as […]

Spain agrees to extradite ‘Jihad Jane’ recruiter to US to face terrorism charges

Washington had wanted to speak to Damache, who was arrested in December in Barcelona. Police were alerted to his presence in the Spanish city thanks to a telephone tip-off to the country’s emergency 112 number, Spanish media reported.  US officials believe he conspired with an American woman, Colleen LaRose, known in the US media as […]

Spain agrees to extradite ‘Jihad Jane’ recruiter to US to face terrorism charges

Washington had wanted to speak to Damache, who was arrested in December in Barcelona. Police were alerted to his presence in the Spanish city thanks to a telephone tip-off to the country’s emergency 112 number, Spanish media reported.  US officials believe he conspired with an American woman, Colleen LaRose, known in the US media as […]

Spain agrees to extradite ‘Jihad Jane’ recruiter to US to face terrorism charges

Washington had wanted to speak to Damache, who was arrested in December in Barcelona. Police were alerted to his presence in the Spanish city thanks to a telephone tip-off to the country’s emergency 112 number, Spanish media reported.  US officials believe he conspired with an American woman, Colleen LaRose, known in the US media as […]

Spain agrees to extradite ‘Jihad Jane’ recruiter to US to face terrorism charges

Washington had wanted to speak to Damache, who was arrested in December in Barcelona. Police were alerted to his presence in the Spanish city thanks to a telephone tip-off to the country’s emergency 112 number, Spanish media reported.  US officials believe he conspired with an American woman, Colleen LaRose, known in the US media as […]

Spain agrees to extradite ‘Jihad Jane’ recruiter to US to face terrorism charges

Washington had wanted to speak to Damache, who was arrested in December in Barcelona. Police were alerted to his presence in the Spanish city thanks to a telephone tip-off to the country’s emergency 112 number, Spanish media reported.  US officials believe he conspired with an American woman, Colleen LaRose, known in the US media as […]

Spain agrees to extradite ‘Jihad Jane’ recruiter to US to face terrorism charges

Washington had wanted to speak to Damache, who was arrested in December in Barcelona. Police were alerted to his presence in the Spanish city thanks to a telephone tip-off to the country’s emergency 112 number, Spanish media reported.  US officials believe he conspired with an American woman, Colleen LaRose, known in the US media as […]

Spain agrees to extradite ‘Jihad Jane’ recruiter to US to face terrorism charges

Washington had wanted to speak to Damache, who was arrested in December in Barcelona. Police were alerted to his presence in the Spanish city thanks to a telephone tip-off to the country’s emergency 112 number, Spanish media reported.  US officials believe he conspired with an American woman, Colleen LaRose, known in the US media as […]

Spain agrees to extradite ‘Jihad Jane’ recruiter to US to face terrorism charges

Washington had wanted to speak to Damache, who was arrested in December in Barcelona. Police were alerted to his presence in the Spanish city thanks to a telephone tip-off to the country’s emergency 112 number, Spanish media reported.  US officials believe he conspired with an American woman, Colleen LaRose, known in the US media as […]

Spain agrees to extradite ‘Jihad Jane’ recruiter to US to face terrorism charges

Washington had wanted to speak to Damache, who was arrested in December in Barcelona. Police were alerted to his presence in the Spanish city thanks to a telephone tip-off to the country’s emergency 112 number, Spanish media reported.  US officials believe he conspired with an American woman, Colleen LaRose, known in the US media as […]

Spain agrees to extradite ‘Jihad Jane’ recruiter to US to face terrorism charges

Washington had wanted to speak to Damache, who was arrested in December in Barcelona. Police were alerted to his presence in the Spanish city thanks to a telephone tip-off to the country’s emergency 112 number, Spanish media reported.  US officials believe he conspired with an American woman, Colleen LaRose, known in the US media as […]

Spain agrees to extradite ‘Jihad Jane’ recruiter to US to face terrorism charges

Washington had wanted to speak to Damache, who was arrested in December in Barcelona. Police were alerted to his presence in the Spanish city thanks to a telephone tip-off to the country’s emergency 112 number, Spanish media reported.  US officials believe he conspired with an American woman, Colleen LaRose, known in the US media as […]

Spain agrees to extradite ‘Jihad Jane’ recruiter to US to face terrorism charges

Washington had wanted to speak to Damache, who was arrested in December in Barcelona. Police were alerted to his presence in the Spanish city thanks to a telephone tip-off to the country’s emergency 112 number, Spanish media reported.  US officials believe he conspired with an American woman, Colleen LaRose, known in the US media as […]

Spain agrees to extradite ‘Jihad Jane’ recruiter to US to face terrorism charges

Washington had wanted to speak to Damache, who was arrested in December in Barcelona. Police were alerted to his presence in the Spanish city thanks to a telephone tip-off to the country’s emergency 112 number, Spanish media reported.  US officials believe he conspired with an American woman, Colleen LaRose, known in the US media as […]

Spain agrees to extradite ‘Jihad Jane’ recruiter to US to face terrorism charges

Washington had wanted to speak to Damache, who was arrested in December in Barcelona. Police were alerted to his presence in the Spanish city thanks to a telephone tip-off to the country’s emergency 112 number, Spanish media reported.  US officials believe he conspired with an American woman, Colleen LaRose, known in the US media as […]

Spain agrees to extradite ‘Jihad Jane’ recruiter to US to face terrorism charges

Washington had wanted to speak to Damache, who was arrested in December in Barcelona. Police were alerted to his presence in the Spanish city thanks to a telephone tip-off to the country’s emergency 112 number, Spanish media reported.  US officials believe he conspired with an American woman, Colleen LaRose, known in the US media as […]

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