And in other news, we find a picture of Kate Middleton and her children being pulled by the Associated Press and many other agencies worldwide for manipulation, in an event that itself looks manufactured: So that photo is being pulled as a fake when all the thousands of fake photos I have shown you are […]
Posts Tagged ‘mathis’
Charles Darwin paper 4 – Mathis “I had no idea of the depth of the cesspool”

“by Miles Mathis First published March 6, 2024 I had to take a break from this, I found it so disgusting. As my regular readers know, I didn’t come to this as a Christian or conservative. I came to it as a truther. I just want to know the truth. I knew there was dirt […]
Mathis the scientist

“At the top of the list of earth-shattering things Mathis has done let’s start with his diagramming of all the nuclei of the elements. It would be impossible to overstate the important of this or the sheer genius of it. With one paper Mathis destroyed the entire subfield of physical chemistry and all those textbooks […]