Intelligence Agencies Reveal Perpetrators Of Russian Sinai Crash

Intelligence agencies reveal who was behind the Sinai plane crash incident

Intelligence officials in Egypt and Russia have said they have determined the identity of several of the perpetrators involved in the Sinai crash. 

Security officials say that the explosive device found on the A321 plane was carried onboard by an employee of the airport Sharm El-Sheikh.

Fort Russ reports:

At the interview the offender immediately claimed the position of a porter, who was entrusted with the loading of passengers’ luggage, with access to the airfield.

The bomb, placed in the baggage compartment, exploded at the height of about nine kilometers onboard the Airbus 321. It should be noted that the explosive device had been placed in a bag, the IED was a small bundle of explosives of big capacity.

Immediately after he placed the bomb on the plane, the terrorist left his workplace and disappeared from the airport. After a short time the man went out of Egypt. As it became known to LifeNews, the last time his whereabouts was recorded was in Turkey. Intelligence agencies are searching for five of his accomplices.

As a reminder, the crash of the Airbus 321 from the airline “Kogalymavia” took place on October 31st in the Northern Sinai Peninsula. Onboard were 224 persons, of which 217 were passengers. More than 20 children were on the flight, the youngest of whom was ten months. No one from passengers and members of crew survived.

On the 17th November, the FSB identified that the cause of the crash of the Russian airliner in the Sinai was a terrorist attack.

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