Taiwan military launches computer-simulated exercise

Taiwan’s armed forces on Monday launched a five-day computer-simulated exercise incorporating maritime patrol aircraft and attack helicopters.

The exercise, which includes the army, navy and air force, involves a computer simulation of an attack from China to see how the island’s military will fare in a combat enviornment, The Taipei Times reported on Tuesday. This is the second part of Taiwan’s annual “Han Kuang” series of defense exercises, which had its first phase in April.

Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense confirmed with the news daily that the exercise began yesterday but did not provide further details. However, Kao Hua-chu, minister of national defense noted recently that the military will incorporate lessons learnt from this year’s computer-assisted war games into next year’s military exercises, according to the report.

The computer simulation will also include information and electronic warfare capabilities, which are two sectors where United States military officials are believed to be providing behind-the-scenes assistance, defense officials noted.

Countermeasures against Chinese long-range attacks involving guided missiles, cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles will also be conducted during the exercises to improve Taiwan’s air defenses, defense officials added.

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