Teacher’s aide says she’s suspended over Facebook

CASSOPOLIS, Mich. (AP) — A teacher’s aide in Michigan says she’s been suspended for refusing to allow bosses to see her Facebook page.

Kimberly Hester last year posted a picture of a co-worker’s pants around her ankles and a pair of shoes. She says it wasn’t done at work.

Hester was a teacher’s aide at an elementary school in southwestern Michigan but worked for the intermediate school district that serves Cass County. She says Superintendent Robert Colby asked to see her Facebook page but she declined, asserting privacy.

WSBT-TV says (http://bit.ly/GUb9ra) Hester got a letter saying the district would “assume the worst and act accordingly.”

Hester says she was put on paid leave before being suspended. The case goes to an arbitrator in May.

A message seeking comment was left Monday for the superintendent.

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