Corey Lewandowski blasted James Comey as not being “man enough”.

US President Donald Trump tweeted his thoughts on James Comey days after his testimony, accusing the former FBI director of cowardice by leaking accounts of his meetings with the president.

Trump tweeted…

“I believe the James Comey leaks will be far more prevalent than anyone ever thought possible. Totally illegal? Very ‘cowardly!’

James Comey admitted that he was a source of leaks during Thursday’s testimony to Congress.

Comey said he had hoped releasing the information to media would prompt the appointment of a special counsel to handle Hillary Clinton’s fake news Russia probe. Comey’s devious plan ultimately proved successful.

Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski blasted James Comey as not “man enough” for having leaked the memo to his friend rather than doing it himself.

Lewandowski told NBC’s morning show “Today”…

“He gave his notes to a Columbia law professor because he wasn’t man enough to give the notes directly to the media when he wanted them out to the media.”

Trump claimed a “total and complete vindication” following the ex-FBI chief’s testimony.

Trump Lawyer Jay Sekulow blasted Comey ABC’s “This Week”.

LA Times reports...

Jay Sekulow, also asserted that former FBI Director James B. Comey submitted for Mueller’s advance review the prepared testimony that he delivered last week to the Senate Intelligence Committee. Comey denied doing so in an exchange during that hearing.

Though noting that Trump said Friday he would answer Mueller’s questions under oath, Sekulow declined to rule out ordering at some later date the firing of the widely praised Mueller, who preceded Comey as FBI director.

“The president is going to seek the advice of his counsel and inside the government as well as outside,” Sekulow told ABC’s “This Week,” adding, “I’m not going to speculate on what he will or will not do.”

Sekulow’s position points out the complexity created by the parallel congressional and criminal investigations into what happened during the campaign and its aftermath. Mueller’s inquiry may also now include questions about whether Trump tried to influence the FBI probe.