Team USA To Be Decked Out in Uniforms Made in China

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Sharyn Alfonsi
ABC News
July 13, 2012

They are the pride of America – Team U.S.A. – and for the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics in London, they’ll be proudly wearing red, white and blue, from beret to blazer.

The classic American style – shown in an image above – was crafted by designer Ralph Lauren. But just how American is it?

When ABC News looked at the labels, it found “made in China.”

Every item in the uniforms that the U.S. athletes will be wearing at the opening ceremony in London will carry an overseas label.

Full story here.

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9 Responses to “Team USA To Be Decked Out in Uniforms Made in China”

  1. soooo patriotic arent they..

    Phillip Reply:
    July 13th, 2012 at 8:29 am

    In a perfect world the athletes would sew their own uniforms.



    Just registered a couple of domains this AM. After 5pm CST, I’ll work on site to include donations meter and paypal link. Willing to accept assistance to collect donations and information for any all USA companies that are interested.

    Idea of USA Olympics 2012 uniform…. Cowboy Hat, boots, jeans, long sleeve shirt, jacket and/or vest and underwear. All MADE in the USA!

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 13th, 2012 at 8:34 am

    thanks, was just thinkin they oughtta wear Levi’s cutoffs,
    rock-n-roll or 911 was an inside job T-shirts, baseball caps etc etc.
    no hijacked American flag baloney. what are they gonna do, disqualify em?

  3. Boycott the Olympics.

    I am tired of always having to pick-up the financial wreck of this nation’s “leaders”. Let the Olympians REFUSE to wear the Chinese made uniforms…or better yet who amongst us is refusing to wear Chinese made clothing? Let the politician without Chinese made clothing on their back or in their closet throw the first stone. OR Let them show US the truest path to honesty and trade goals by throwoing out their Chinese-made clothing in their closet, too.

    Ralph made millions off of this deal. It is just more BS in the US.

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 13th, 2012 at 8:36 am

    I darn sure aint gonna watch the garbage on the tv,
    let em take the tv ratings as an indicator how bad DC is.

  4. I hear calls to BURN it. wtf?! waste? Cripes, Chinese people made that for American people with LOVE. It’s the ABC, CBS, FOX, PBS, NBC and Government that has a problem.

  5. Furthermore China held the ****ing Olympics last time IIRC.

  6. And I don’t buy “the artwork looks like a genetic defected helix” arg()

    It was crap someone soldered together to call ART.
    I don’t like rothchilds either but whomever soldered that crap together had nothing to do with Rothchild’s

    Yeah Fukushima is another CONSPIRACY which does put DNA down a one way path, just like monsanto!!!

    I’m there with ya when you want to ARREST banksters. Which is the logical conclusion

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