Teen lifesaver ‘torn from rescuer’s hands’

A 14-year-old junior lifesaver who drowned in a Gold Coast competition was just seconds from being saved when he was torn from his teenage rescuer’s hands by a wave.

Fellow competitior Keegan Street saw Matthew Barclay fell from his board in the under 15-board race in the Australian Surf Life Saving Championships at the Gold Coast’s notorious Kurrawa Beach on Wednesday afternoon.

Keegan dived off his board into the surf and grabbed Matthew — who is believed to have been knocked unconscious by his board — while signalling a rescue jetski for help.

But the pair was hit by a strong set of waves before the jetski could reach them and Matthew was ripped from Keegan’s grasp, disappearing under the water.

A senior member from Cronulla Surf Club said Keegan had been interviewed numerous times by police investigating the tragic death since the tragedy.

Surf Life Saving Australia’s national championships will resume at 8am (AEST) Friday at a new location, just one day after Matthew’s body was found nearly two kilometres north of where he disappeared.

Matthew was the third young lifesaver to die in recent years at the championships — 15-year-old Robert Gattenby died in 1996 and 19-year-old Saxon Bird drowned two years ago.

Meanwhile, lifesaving legend Trevor Hendy has defended the sport amid calls for officials to face criminal charges.

The Bird family’s barrister, Christopher Branson, QC, said Matthew’s death was a monumental scandal, calling for a royal commission and saying officials should face criminal charges.

Branson said officials had leant nothing from the previous two deaths.

But Hendy, a multi former world and Australian Ironman champion and father of a 16-year-old junior ironman, defending safety standards, saying Mr Branson’s comments were sensationalist.

“Lifesaving’s done an amazing job … these officials all have kids and families themselves and they’re not going to endanger anyone for anything,” he said.

“All the protocols and procedures in the world can’t counter mother nature.”

Officials said they expect to introduce flotation vests and helmets next year, as recommended last year by Queensland Coroner Michael Barnes.

Organisers decided against cancelling the event and have instead moved it to calmer waters at North Kirra beach.

The contest lineup is being amended, but it is believed most events will remain despite rumours individual races would be removed.
Hendy dominated surf lifesaving in the 1980s and 1990s, winning the Australian championship six times and Uncle Toby’s Super Series four times.

He was awarded the Member of the Order of Australia in 1996 for services to surf lifesaving.

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