Ten battles Nine for cricket TV rights

Australian cricket helmets

Cricket Australia has reportedly launched legal action against TV rights holder the Nine Network.
Source: AAP

THE Nine Network will decide whether to match a $500 million offer for cricket television rights while being taken to court by Cricket Australia.

Nine has about four weeks to match the Ten Network’s offer for the sport’s television rights.

But in a twist, Cricket Australia (CA) has started legal action involving Nine, its long-time broadcast partner.

It’s understood CA wants a court ruling on whether the rights to the Twenty20 Big Bash League and other domestic cricket should be included in Nine’s current ‘last rights’ contract.

Nine’s deal gives the network the last rights of refusal – effectively, a chance to match any bid from rival networks to televise cricket.

The Ten Network lodged its final bid of $500 million over five years this week with CA who, on Friday, declined to comment on any specifics.

“Commercial and competitive sensitivity of the media rights issue means that public comment from CA will not be appropriate until a new broadcast agreement is finalised,” a CA spokesman told AAP.

The Nine and Ten networks also refused to comment as negotiations reach tipping point.

A new television rights deal will likely be done by July.

Ten’s offer, reported as $500 million over five years by The Australian Financial Review, trumps the $45 million paid annually by Nine to cover international cricket for the past seven years.

Ten’s bid also betters the $12.5 million a year which Fox Sports Australia paid to televise the Twenty20 Big Bash League and other domestic cricket.

The Ten offer is believed to value international cricket at $80 million a year and domestic rights at $20 million annually.

But just where the Big Bash League sits in the scheme of things is the centre of CA’s legal action against Nine.

The competition wasn’t played at the time of the last deal, with CA wanting a legal ruling on if it should be included in Nine’s ‘last rights’ deal.

The Supreme Court of Victoria will hear the matter on May 31, about a week before Nine’s deadline for deciding whether to match Ten’s bid for cricket.

Source Article from http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/newscomaunationalbreakingnewsndm/~3/JKxohyhycOo/story01.htm

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