Texas Supreme Court Justice Warns Democrats Are Rigging the 2024 Election

Texas Supreme Court Justice John Devine has warned that Democrats are planning to engage in election-rigging tactics this year to prevent Trump from being re-elected.

“Every day there are abuses to First Amendment, religious, free speech issues and so forth,” Devine warned.

“Election laws… look at the election law abuse that happened,” he told the crowd. “We’re still fighting that. That’s still out there. It’s gonna happen again. Do you really think the Democrats are gonna roll over and let Trump be president again? You think they’re just gonna go away, all of a sudden find Jesus and be an honest election? I don’t think so. So, I think those kinds of cases are going to be back to us in this cycle.”

Infowars.com reports: The speech was made in December when Devine was the keynote speaker at the Texas Tea Party Republican Women’s Christmas gathering in Houston.

Mainstream media outlets criticized the state Supreme Court Justice for “echoing unsupported claims” about Democrat election meddling schemes.

We’re entering a dangerous place in American politics when those who promote free and fair elections are labeled “election deniers” by the ruling class being accused of doing the election rigging.


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