Texas teacher of the year arrested

John McDaniel was charged for having an inappropriate relationship with the now 15-year-old girl when he was her band teacher at Colleyville Middle School.

The 32-year-old teacher reportedly confessed to the police that he had sexually explicit conversations with the teenage girl and exchanged nude photos with her.

The unidentified victim claimed that the improper behavior began when she was an eighth-grader and McDaniel told her she was very beautiful and wanted to know how she looked like naked, according to the arrest document.

The girl insisted that she then sent him a topless photo of herself and later received an inappropriate photo from McDaniel.

The Grapevine Police Department said there were facts showing that the two continued to exchange photos via email and cell phone for about a year.

“The information we have is that there was some sexting going on, by way of the cellphone and some explicit emails,” Sergeant Robert Eberling said.

The relationship was depicted when the girl’s brother discovered nude emails in her Gmail account.

“When you send your child to school, you hope they are placed in a safe, stable environment. It’s unfortunate that this happens,” Eberling said.

McDaniel has been the head band director at the Middle School since 2009, and was named teacher of the year earlier this year.
The Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District said it has put McDaniel on administrative leave right after the authorities were informed of his inappropriate behavior.

“If the police investigation substantiates the allegations, the district will immediately proceed with termination procedures,” the district said in a statement.

McDaniel was imprisoned, but released later on USD10,000 bond. Police said he would be detained again in case more victims come forward.

“Unfortunately, when you are dealing these type of offenses and the people that perpetrate these offenses, generally there are other victims,” Eberling added.


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