‘Texts from Hillary’ creators meet Clinton

The creators of “Texts from Hillary,” a spoof blog featuring photos of a sunglasses-sporting Hillary Clinton that quickly went viral, met the US secretary of state Tuesday.

“I just met Secretary Clinton. She loves the site. Pictures to come. Here’s her post she autographed,” one of the founders, Adam Smith, wrote on his @asmith83 Twitter account.

“Adam, thanks for the many LOLZ Hillary Hill,” Clinton wrote next to a photo of herself wearing sunglasses and looking at a stack of documents inside a C-17 military cargo plane — a picture that was showcased on the spoof blog.

The blog on the popular Tumblr platform imagined Clinton engaged in amusing text exchanges with other politicos and celebrities.

“Hey Hil, Watchu doing?” President Barack Obama says to his top diplomat on the blog as he is shown reclining on a sofa.

“Running the world,” Clinton replies, smartphone in hand and aides in the background as she sits in the C-17.

Stacy Lambe, the co-creator of “Texts from Hillary,” also met Clinton.

The two Washington-based communications professionals based their gag on two photographs of Clinton taken in October when she flew to Libya.

“She met with the two creators this afternoon at State, for about 10 minutes,” Clinton aide Philippe Reines said in an email to AFP.

“They kidded around, then they took a photo together. Rather than a boring shot, she suggested they each look down at their BlackBerries, and she even put on her sunglasses — that’s the photo they posted on their site,” he said.

“And yes, she inscribed a printout of her submission to their site, to each of them with a funny note,” Reines said.

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