The Bronx Wants a 200,000 Square Foot Rooftop Farm

© NYC Economic Development Corporation. Hunts Point, in the Bronx.

If the City gets its way, the Bronx will soon be home to one of the biggest rooftop farms in the world: It will cover an astounding 200,000 square feet. That’s 4.6 acres. The spot is an active warehouse in Hunts Point, an enormous food distribution center where 115 private wholesalers sell food that reaches 23 million people in the metropolitan area.

The New York Economic Development Corporation is working on a general renovation of the area, and issued a Request for Proposals to develop and operate a year-round working rooftop farm.

According to Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn, it’s a win-win project:

With the potential construction of a new rooftop farm, the Hunts Point industrial area will be able to better provide greater quantities of produce to consumers while generating new employment opportunities for New Yorkers…This new proposal will not only create much needed jobs but will also provide fresh produce for countless Bronxites.

It’s great to see the City getting behind a large-scale project that will complement the growing network of community gardens around the five boroughs. If it comes together, New Yorkers could give up the idea of spending a summer day by a fancy rooftop pool for some urban farming with a view of the river.

Via DNA Info.

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