The Hidden Agenda; Perniciousness at its Worst

There’s a centralized perniciousness within the control agenda. It takes the form of rhetoric promising heaven on earth and actions actualizing hell on earth.

Hello Hell

Welcome to the huge disconnect between financial fact and fictional reserves generated by computers owned by the US Federal Reserve, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the World Bank and other leading blights within the fiat-based ponzi scheme.

“What we have here is a case of an ancient con trick carried out on a nation state scale. The original con was very simple, a banker would open a safe and show some gold to a customer and sell him the gold. He would then tell the person it was safer to keep the gold in the bank and give him a depository receipt. This banker would then sell the gold again. The rule of thumb was that as long as you only sold the gold ten times, then whenever there was a panic and some people asked for their physical gold, then you would have enough on hand to reassure everybody their gold was safe. That is the origin of the BIS capital to asset adequacy ratios.”

In today’s world “the maneuvers to keep ahead of reality and keep the financial house of cards from collapsing led to the creation of computer trading programs. Since they are designed to make money, these programs have greed and self-expansion at the very core of their operating systems. Thus it was that ever more complex financial instruments with even more astronomical leverage started creating all those quadrillions and quintillions on the back of a real world GDP of only about $75 trillion.”

Meanwhile On Earth . . .

Paul Rosenberg attended a meeting with small business owners from the American Midwest. It made him sad. Why? “Because these people – by any standard of decency – should be left alone to create their better world. But instead, they are forcibly tied to wasteful, parasitic, and destructive systems. Half or more of their earnings are taken from them every year. Their actions are restricted by their moral inferiors. They live less than half the rewarding lives they should be enjoying, and for no defensible reason.”

You see there’s no denying the reality of an agenda when its results are inescapable. “Nearly all of these people agreed that government in America is out of control, abusive, and oppositional to their happiness. I think that’s a positive opinion, since it reflects reality, meaning that they have stopped looking at the world through myth-colored glasses.”

The Starfield Revelations

Back in July 2000 Dr. Barbara Starfield revealed that an average 225,000 Americans die annually from medically-induced causes. “On the heels of Starfield’s astonishing findings, media reporting was rather perfunctory, and it soon dwindled. No major newspaper or television network mounted an ongoing “Medicalgate” investigation. Neither the US Department of Justice nor federal health agencies undertook prolonged remedial action.”

That’s likely because an average 106,000 of the 225,000 deaths resulted from FDA-approved correctly prescribed medicines. “The pharmaceutical giants stand back and carve up the populace into “promising markets.” They seek new disease labels and new profits from more and more toxic drugs. They do whatever they can—legally or illegally—to influence doctors in their prescribing habits. Many studies which show the drugs are dangerous are buried. FDA panels are filled with doctors who have drug-company ties. Legislators are incessantly lobbied and supported with pharma campaign monies.”

As to FDA supervision of big pharma “Even though there will always be adverse events that cannot be anticipated, the fact is that more and more unsafe drugs are being approved for use. Many people attribute that to the fact that the pharmaceutical industry is (for the past ten years or so) required to pay the FDA for reviews [of its new drugs]—which puts the FDA into an untenable position of working for the industry it is regulating.”

So it comes as no real surprise to discover prescription opioids are killing Americans at more than five times the rate of heroin. “Prescription painkillers are among the most abused narcotics in the United States. These drugs are just as addictive and harmful as the hardest street drugs, but because they are legal and prescribed by doctors they are greatly underestimated by our society.  This is what makes these drugs so dangerous, since they are socially acceptable many people ignore or overlook their addiction until it becomes a serious problem.”

What It All Means

The intrusive nature of the agenda is no longer avoidable. It has been designed to control behavior and condition response from cradle to grave.

  • Free speech is beaten into submission “Ever since 911 the cop on the beat has increasingly become the cop who beats you senseless then sprays you with tear gas, for simply exercising your right to free speech, if you’re lucky.”
  • Privacy is torn to shreds “First it was carnivore, and echelon, to spy on American citizens under the auspices of the patriot act and Homeland Security, and now its something called prism they’re using. I always thought that we fought the Nazis in world War 2 to defeat them; not become them.”
  • Children are the property of the state “Under the color of authority the state assumes complete control of our children; from womb to tomb, deciding which vaccinations they will receive, and whether or not you are a fit parent, as if we’re nothing more than property, not people.” fact

“In an unholy alliance of greed and power; governments and corporations are now indistinguishable from one another in their dark agenda of hijacking human evolution, and impatiently driving the future…insanely attempting to improve upon the work of creation itself.” fact

And so it goes.

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